07 : Honor council

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

It was the next morning Alaric was standing at the podium with Emma next to him. "Given recent events some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future, and I agree if you are expected to abide by the school's policies it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made." he announced.

"So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf each elected by their peers." the headmaster told them, glancing around Stefanie made eye contact with Hope who smiled.

"Along with our school counselor Emma who's vote will represent the younger students." Alaric informed them before continuing "Now, I have to go off campus in the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and vote wisely. that's all you're dismissed." he spoke as students began to rise and he went to the exit.


Sitting on the floor of her dorm with the twins, Stefanie held a poster in front of her "Are you sure about this?" she asked looking at Cassy "Positive" the girl nodded "Come on you know you'd be great" she insisted.

"She's right" Alex spoke laying on his sister's bed taking a bite of the twizzler in his hand. "Give me that you nerd" Cassy said grabbing the sweet out of her brother's hand "Hey!" he protested trying to steal it back and letting out a gasp as the girl took a massive bite smiling mischievously at the boy, Stefanie snorted at the antics of the siblings.

"Okay, but seriously Lizzie's running for it and I do not want to go up against that." the girl sighed passing the poster to her friend "She'll be fine" the girl waved off. "Plus it's not like she'll win" Alex added with a shrug.

"You're only saying that cause you don't like her" the Salvatore pointed out. "True, she's a bitch." the boy nodded agreeingly.


Walking through the corridor with Alex and Cassy Stefanie noticed Josie giving a witch Lizzie's favorite sweater and shaking the girl's hand "Bribing people really?" Alex asked as the three approached the girl. "I don't know what you're talking about" Josie denied.

"We just saw you" Cassy said raising her eyebrows "Okay fine Lizzie needs to win no matter what Penelope's running too." the Saltzman sighed. "You do realize that Stef is too right?" the boy said Josie just looking at them in confusion.

"They're making me" the girl said shaking her head. "We are not we just pointed out that she would be great for it." Cassy said rolling her eyes.


The factions were all sat in their seats waiting for the votes to be counted "All right, voting is now closed" Emma said as she approached the ballot box making everyone clap.

"Let's get started" she spoke as a slip floated out of the box and into the air which she grabbed." The werewolf representative will be..." she said pausing for dramatic effect "Rafael" she said turning to the werewolves who cheered on their new alpha "When did that happen?" the Salvatore asked Alex just shrugging from his place next to her.

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