11 : Happy pills

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

Alex and Stefanie sat in the lounge across from Landon and Rafael when Hope walked in sighing happily as she sat down next to her boyfriend "Morning handsome" she said placing a hand on his shoulder looking at Rafael "Handsomes" she corrected herself taking a croissant from the table in front of her "Sweet, sweet carbs" she exclaimed tearing off a small piece and popping it into her mouth.

"Somebody's in a really good mood" Rafael said "Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess" Hope said with a bright smile "For the first time ever I guess" Alex mutters from beside the Salvatore "You're so funny, I love that about you" the Mikaelson told the boy who turned to his friend with wide eyes.

"Hope my love, are you okay?" Stefanie asked her friend who's smile widened "I'm absolutely wonderful my dear" the girl responded the brunette tilting her head slightly as the Saltzman twins walk up to the group.

"Good morning Rafael" Lizzie smiled "Hi, how was your trip?" the werewolf replied awkwardly "Excellent" Josie replied trying to ease the tension between her sister and the boy. "Is everyone as excited as I am about tonight?" the blonde said Landon looking confused "What's happening tonight?" he asked Hope laughing "the school's annual talent show, all the factions compete" she explains to the boys before turning back to the twins "You know the witch performance wouldn't be the same without you two." she tells them, Josie smiling "Thank you."

"If I could have your attention, last night we were able to capture a monster here on the grounds, we have everything under control but given this potential danger it is with a heavy heart that I must postpone the talent show." the headmaster's voice could be heard through the intercom making people groan as Stefanie looks relieved.

"Hopefully, we'll be able to reschedule this.....unique event at a later date, a much, much later date" Alaric continued as Lizzie and Josie looked at each other "Kind of over kill if you ask me, I told your dad that a unicorn barely counts as a monster." the Mikaelson told the two girls, the Salvatore looking at her "I'm sorry did you just say unicorn?" she asked the auburn haired girl nodding "Awesome" she exclaimed her friend flashing a bright smile.


Stefanie was walking down the hallway with Cassy when Lizzie's voice filters through the intercoms "Good news, friends the talent show is going on as previously scheduled." both girls groaning "Do we really have to do the show?" Cassy asked "Unfortunately" the witch told her, the other girl rolling her eyes "You do realize Lizzie is going to make it all about herself once again right?" she tells her friend who just shrugs "She tries okay she just has a hard time some of the time" the brunette pausing at the look the Moore girl gave her making her sigh "Okay, most of the time"

Down the corridor the girls could see Landon and Hope making out making the brunette sigh, Cassy placing a hand on her arm and flashing her sympathetic smile "Maybe, we should go rehearse" she suggested the Salvatore sending her a small smile "Yeah, okay" she agreed.


Walking into the hall with Josie the two saw Hope laughing with a bunch of witches on the steps leaving the two to share a confused glanced, this is definitely not the Hope they knew, deciding to ignore the weird feeling in her gut the two walk closer "Hey, do you know where they moved the stupid canes for the talent show, Lizzie was asking me to find them?" Josie asked.

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