13 : Pity party

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

Stefanie sat in the assembly hall beside Alex as Alaric and Lizzie were at the podium "I have some news, many of you, like me have forgotten that we are hosting this years Miss Mystic Falls Pageant." the head master spoke, the brunette rolling her eyes as Alex glances the row behind at his sister who had a bright smile on her face.

"Trust me I know, but the rotation is set in stone, so let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch related must be kept tucked away, hidden and under lock and key." he continued as the hybrid turned back to his sister "So you want to be Miss Mystic Falls" he taunted the girl glaring at him "Don't even if there was one for boys you would enter every year." she replied the boy shrugging he knew it was true no need to deny it.

"Now with your chore assignments." the headmaster announced pointing at his daughter who smiled walking to the podium "Okay, so we'll split into teams." the blonde spoke Stefanie raising her hand causing the blonde to lift an eyebrow "Do I have to?" the brunette asked with a smile, the other girls eyes narrowing ever so slightly "Yes Stef you do" she told her, the Salvatore groaning.


In the hall the brunette stood by josie the two putting ribbon on the banister when Penelope walked over looking at the Salvatore nodding her head ever so slightly indicating to the girl to leave them alone, "I'm gonna go over there and help Blair, far over there" Stefanie told her friend with an eye roll the girl nodding.

From her space beside the blonde she heard the two witches talking about the pageant and how Josie was going to throw the competition so Lizzie could win making her roll her eyes, she loved both the twins really she did but Jo did every thing for the other girl and Lizzie barely even acknowledged it.

"What's up?" Blair asked the brunette at the look that passed her features making the other girl sigh "It's nothing, just Lizzie" she said Blair nodding in understanding "So, what's going on with you and Hope?" the blonde asked after a moment causing the Salvatore to look at the girl "What are you talking about?" she asked, the girl staring at her as if she were stupid "I mean the looks the two of you give each other when you think no one is watching." she deadpanned.

"What? there are no looks" the brunette told her with a small laugh in denial there is no way Hope liked her back it wasn't possible and she has a boyfriend, so it just couldn't be possible. Blair studies the girl for a moment trying to figure out if she were truly that blind "Come on Stef even Landon sees it." she tells her, Stefanie's head shooting to look at her friend shocked.


Letting out a sigh Stefanie followed Lizzie into a room where she shut the door behind them as the blonde walked in front of the other three girls "I am withdrawing from Miss Mystic Falls." she announces Hope looking annoyed as Stefanie stands next to her "I thought you had something important to tell us." she sighed.

"Come for the underwhelming announcement, stay for the epic meltdown" the Parks girl said glancing at the blonde, the other Saltzman staring at her twin confused "Okay, wait, why are you quitting?" "Yeah, you've been talking about this for weeks." the Salvatore says.

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