22 : Celestial council

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

Stefanie walked down the hall with Alex and Cassy, they walked past a group of vampires, the witches eye catching with Mikayla's who sent her a strained smile before turning back to her friends, Stefanie looked down as Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulder and the three carried on walking.

They walked into the common room where Blair and Kaleb sat, the boy had his arm around her, he cleared his throat telling the blonde he'd talk to her later, Stefanie sat down first then the twins sat on either side of her boxing her in wanting to protect her, across the room Stefanie saw Hope sat on a sofa with Landon and someone else who from the back looked remarkably like the phoenix startingly she realized it was Landon which confused her to no end.

This 'Landon' stood up and started to scream "I love Hope-" he didn't get to finish when he collapsed back onto the sofa, the girl looked around making eye contact with the witch neither looking away.


Stefanie heard a voice calling out to her, she closed her eyes listening, it getting louder and louder as if it were getting closer, when she opened her eyes she was back in the blackness of the void, "Hello, Blaze?" she called out, footsteps ran past her making her turn confused but no one was there "Blaze?" she called out again gaining no reply.

"What the hell is going on?" she muttered to herself as a woman appeared "Hello dear." she smiled, the girl's brows furrow "Wait, I know you, I've seen you in pictures, aunt Jenna?" she didn't understand what was going on, the woman smirked "Not quite." "Who are you?" the brunette asked swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Who I am does not matter child, the power you hold within you does, you need to be ready for what is to come." the woman told her as she took a step towards her, "Zelena, stop it, we are here to train her not scare the living daylights out of her." an older woman appears, Stefanie spins around confused as more and more figures appear creating a circle around her "Who- who are you, where's Blaze?"

"I'm right here, it's okay, they're just like us, angels." the last word caused the brunette to whip towards him "Angels, what are you talking about?" the older woman sighed "Blaze, you have not told her about what she is?" the man shrugged "We were getting there, I hadn't realized that Z was going to show up and ruin it." he huffed, Zelena shot him a glare "I was right on time, I had not realized you would be so far behind, her 17th birthday is coming up and you have yet to tell her of the power she holds."

The Salvatore gulped as she looked around the room at all these people, celestials she supposed, she realized she was special considering she came from a family with no magic at all but she had not entertained the idea that she could be something more than just a witch, and it scared her.

One of the angels must have sensed there was something wrong because before she knew it everything was quite and it was just her and someone who looked almost identical to Blaze, the girl smiled "Are you okay, I know it can be overwhelming?" "Who are they, why was I summoned?" Stefanie asked "We are the celestial council, we only come when we sense something big is approaching." the woman explained "What's your name, and why do you look exactly like Blaze?" the young girl asked, "I am Alexis, and Blaze is my twin." she informed.

Stefanie nodded "Can I go back to reality?" she whispered feeling exhausted already, Alexis nodded bringing her back out of the dimension, she looked around and realized she was still sat in the arm chair mere minutes seemed to have passed.

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