12 : Phoenix rising

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

Stefanie was walking down the hall towards her dorm, she had gone to spend the break with her family at the cabin, so she was only just arriving back, that was until she bumped into Hope and Alaric who were looking panicked "Hey, what's wrong?" the Salvatore asked her friend in concern "Landon, MG and Rafael are missing" the tribrid told her slightly out of breath "But it's a full moon" the brunette muttered eyes widening, the headmaster nodding as the three walk towards the door bags completely forgotten.

"I don't know why my locator spell didn't work" Hope huffs as they walk through the woods Alaric shining the flashlight "If you can't find them, it means someone's cloaking them or.." the man trailed off Hope hurrying her footsteps slightly "Or their dead, I'm aware." she says the headmaster shaking his head slightly "What would posses them to leave campus? Why would they be so irresponsible?" he asks shining the light around them "They wouldn't" both girls replied "Something must have happened" the tribrid told him.

Walking a little further the three paused seeing Rafael at the gates looking half dead "Raf" Stefanie yells as the three rush towards him "Raf, hey are you okay?" the Mikaelson asked him, the boy staring at the same spot muttering out MG and Landon's name, Stefanie looking slightly worried checking around to make sure the boy's weren't hiding as Hope and Alaric question the wolf.


Hope, Stefanie, Alaric and Emma stood in front of the wolf who was visibly panicking "Lunar psychosis?" Ric muttered the tribrid turning to him "That's a thing?" she asks "Quit talking, making noise" the werewolf says Stefanie looking at him for a moment  with pity before it quicky morphs when he comes at her Emma stepping in front of the girl quickly and muttering a spell.

"What did you do to him?" Hope asks taking a step towards them making sure to keep her friend from Rafael. "It's okay, I'm just slowing down his heart, it will calm him." the witch tells her. "What's happening to me?" Rafael questioned taking a step back as Stefanie looked relieved.

"I keep losing time" the wolf mumbled Emma stepping closer "As I said lunar psychosis, which means that your mind is in flux, trapped between your wolf and human states making it harder to bridge the gap and access your memories like you normally would." she tells him walking him back to the sofa so he can sit Stefanie looking away.

"It's very rare, it only happens after a premature reversion" the councilor tells him Hope closing her eyes "So something caused your body to shift back before the full moon was over, leaving you like this." Rafael looks up at this alarmed "Wh-What kind of something?" he asked "Usually trauma, something bad happened." the Salvatore told him softly regarding him in pity.

"We don't know that." Emma stated firmly turning around "Three of them left and only one came back, something bad happened" the Mikaelson told the woman clearly in the same thought prosses as her friend. "Hope, Stefanie, why don't you give us a minute? Hope go and check on the other wolves and Stefanie, go to your dorm or something." the witch sighed, the two girls glancing at each other.

"We're worried about this one." Hope said voice raising a little. "Hope, please." the woman said with a stern voice making the girl pause before walking away, the brunette rolling her eyes at the adults before following after her friend.

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