18 : Stallions vs Timberwolves

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(Salvatore Boarding School)

"As you're well aware, it's time for the annual American football match with Mystic Falls High." Headmaster Vardemus said as he stood at the podium holding a ball in his hand, many people let out groans at this, Stefanie turning to where Kaleb sat a few chairs beside her as he muttered out a great.

"Today, you will not be forced to lose a game so that humans can feel superior, every one of you is special, every one of you, and it's time you showed it." the man continued, Stefanie looking at Alex.

Josie stood up "How?" she asked, the principal glancing at her "By using your powers in moderation, Miss Saltzman, the goal is not exposure, merely to win, think of it as an exercise in control." he continued, "Well, I am here for it." Kaleb said standing up clapping his hands for emphasis, he turned to where the rest of the student body sat "After last year, it'll feel really good to show those Timberwolves what we're all about, right?" he spoke a small smirk making its way onto both the Salvatore and the Moore boy's face.

"And who better to lead you in this endeavor, as your quarterback, than our own Landon Kirby?" Vardemus spoke tossing the ball to the boy who looked taken back as people around him clapped, Stefanie sending the boy an encouraging smile.


Stefanie sat on the ground watching as the rest of the team practiced, Alex walking over with a bottle, passing it to the brunette and plopping down beside her, the two watched as Landon launched a ball across the field, it landing against the doors of the Mystic Falls High bus with a thud cracking the glass slightly.

The two turned to each other surprised "Okay, that was kinda hot." the boy muttered with a shrug, the brunette sending him a questioning look "Are you serious right now?" she asked raising a brow causing the boy to shrug once again.

The doors to the bus opened, the players stepped out, the brunette locking eyes with the mystery girl as she passed, Alex turning back to her "Do you know her?" he asked, the girl averting her eyes from the girl and turning to her friend "I'm not sure." she muttered.

Around 10 minutes later the match began, Landon and Josie stood opposite the two girls from Mystic Falls High, Vardemus walked between the two with the ball in hand "Let us begin our annual rite of American excess, but unlike last year, I expect no unseemly violence, only for each team to play to the fullest extent of their abilities, understood?" he spoke aiming the last part to the Saltzman who stood beside him.

"Timberwolves of Mystic Falls, you may, as I believe they say, call it in the air." he said flipping a coin "Heads." one of the girls called as the coin landing on the grass "Tails never fails." Landon said as they all looked at where the coin laid tails up, "We'll take the ball." Josie says as the man looked between the four "So it begins." he says beginning to walk away before pausing and walking back "Uh, shake hands." he tells them, the four reluctantly doing so.

It was half time, Stefanie sat on the bench with a water bottle looking around, she saw her uncle and the auburn haired girl talking, she paused zoning in on the two so she could hear, another side effect from the attack apparently.

"Dorian found the missing kid, thank god he's okay but we definitely have another monster wondering around these woods." she heard him say making her furrow her brows, why was he telling this girl about the monsters, yes she had seen one but what did she have to do with them specifically.

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