16 : Summer break

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(The Void)

Stefanie wandered around the pitch-black space "Hello" she called confused, she had no idea where she was, this was so strange she thought, how was this possible she's never heard of anything like this happening. The brunette walked forward hearing her footsteps echoing around the empty space, a man appeared from out of the darkness, the girl taking a step back "Who are you?" she asked pausing to glance around "Where are we?" she wondered, the man smiling "Hello, Stefanie" he says the girl's eyes widening a little as she took another step back trying to get as much space between them as possible "How do you know my name?" she asked voice coming out timid.

"Don't you recognize me?" he asked stepping closer "I'm the reason you exist" he told her, "What does that mean?" she asked the man looking around as a voice could be heard "Stefanie, Stef!" it getting louder as the space began to shake the man turning back to the teenager "This'll have to wait" he says before disappearing along with the ground causing the girl to fall until she feels herself hit her bed.


(Salvatore Boarding School)

Groaning Stefanie squinted her eyes at the figure who sat on her bed "Go away, I want to sleep" she murmured words slurred as she went to pull the covers over her head which were immediately yanked away and thrown to the floor so she would get up.

The brunette sat up glaring at her roommate "I am going to kill you" she stated punctuating every word, the other girl shrugs as she walks over to her mirror "You had to get up we're going for milkshakes remember?" the Salvatore once again groaning "Go without me" she tells the girl.

Cassy stares at her for a moment before walking over to her desk and grabbing her jewellery "I am not enduring my brother alone and besides Kayla's gonna be there" she tells the witch who pauses "She will?" the question comes out without much thought as a small smile made its way onto her lips.

"Oh my god, you two are as bad as each other" the girl says throwing her head back with a groan "Why can't you just admit you like each other?" she asked glancing at the girl sat on her bed.

"I'll admit it as soon as Alex tells Landon he likes him" Stefanie said as she walked over to her closet to choose an outfit. "That will never happen" Cassandra told her with a deadpanned look "Exactly" the Salvatore shrugged as she took out her favourite sun dress, it was yellow with small white flowers dotted around with spaghetti straps.

The brunette walked into the bathroom so she could get ready for the day, once she walked back out she picked up her gold heart locket and gold earrings that her uncle had got her before he died, the locket had a picture of her, Natalia and Stefan on one side and her and some girl on the other, she still wasn't completely sure who the girl was but she didn't remove it feeling a connection to her,

Once she was ready the two walked out of the room where they were greeted by Alex who was just about to knock.


(Mystic Grill)

Walking into the Mystic Grill Stefanie and Cassy walked over to the counter to order their drinks, the girl looked at the two with a smile "What can I get for you?" she asks in a peppy voice, Cassy going first ordering for her, Alex and Kayla, once Cassandra walks away with the drinks Stefanie orders a Ferrero Rocher for herself and oddly enough a peanut butter blast for who she has no idea it was like she was compelled to do so, almost like she had done it a thousand times before.

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