Bhagvad Gita

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When Arjuna was completely confused about his duties in the middle of the battlefield he surrenderd to Krishna asked for help. He told Krishna to consider him as his disciple and solve those dilemmas and confusions. Before the war Arjuna knew that he was capable to win the war, as he did in Virata war. He only needed a perfect guide like Shree Krishna. So he chose unarmed Shree Krishna over his narayani sena. And at the right time when he faced ethical dilemmas, he asked for Krishna's help. So Arjuna received the divine knowledge for his right choice and his supreme quality to have an alltime learning attitude, keeping his ego aside.

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta is the part of Bheeshm Parv of Mahabharata.

The Lord is source of everything.

I am the source of all; everything emerges from Me. 10:8.

Therefore, I am the origin and the dissolution of the whole universe. 7:6

There is nothing whatsoever higher than Me, O Arjuna. All this is strung on Me, as clusters of gems on a thread. 7:7.

God as destroyer

I am Time, the mighty force which destroys everything, fully Manifesting Myself, I am here engaged in destroying the worlds. Even without you, none of the warriors arrayed in the enemy ranks shall survive. 11:32.

God as Preserver

And pervading the earth I support all beings by My power. I nourish all herbs by becoming the Moon full of nectar. 15:13.

I abide, sustaining this whole universe with but a fraction of Myself. 10: 42

God as Light

That light that is in the sun which illumines the whole universe, and that which is in the moon and in fire, know that light to be Mine. 15:12.

The Lord incarnates Himself whenever there is a need.

Many births of Mine have passed, O Arjuna, and so is it with you also. I know them all, but you do not know them. Though I am unborn and immutable by nature, and though I am the Lord of all beings, yet by employing My own Nature I am born by My own free will. 4:5–6 Whenever there is a decline of Dharma, O Arjuna, and an increase of Adharma, then I incarnate Myself. For the protection of the good and for the

destruction of the wicked, for the establishment of Dharma, I advent myself from age to age. 4:7–8. The Lord accepts people in whatever way they approach him.

Whosoever takes refuge in Me in any manner whatsoever, in the same manner do I favour them; beings experience Me alone in different ways, O Arjuna. 4:11.

Whichever manifestation (of the Divine) any devotee desires to worship with faith — that faith I make unshakeable and firm. 7:21.

Endowed with that faith, one engages in the worship of that [particular] manifestation and thence obtains the desired objects, which are in fact bestowed by Me alone. 7:22.

Even those who, endowed with faith are devoted to other gods, they worship Me alone in an indirect manner. 9:23.

I am the same to all beings; to Me there is none hateful or dear; but those who worship Me with devotion abide in Me and I in them. 9:29.

If even the most sinful person worships Me with devotion to no other, he must be regarded as righteous, for he has rightly resolved. 9:30.

The Lord as easily approachable

To those, who are constantly harmonised with Me and who worship Me with intense love, I fondly grant the mental disposition (Buddhi-yoga) by which they attain to Me. 10:10.

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