Arjun's chariot burnt

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 Arjuna's chariot blasted at the end of the war when Shri Krishna asked him to step down from the chariot. 

Arjuna did that as he always followed Shri Krishna.Shri Krishna then descended from the chariot and the same was done by Lord Hanumana who dissapeared from the standard,The chariot then burnt along with its yokes, harnesses, horses and lovely joints.

After seeing that the chariot was burnt, Arjuna asked about this to Shri Krishna.

Shri Krishna said that the chariot was earlier burnt due to different kinds of weapons.It was not destroyed because Shri Krishna was seating on it.Shri Krishna mentiones that it has been burnt by the energy of Brahmastra.He said that now the objective is accomplished, the chariot has been abandoned.Shri Krishna did not mention any name or any particular warriors. He said that the chariot was burnt due to different kind of weapons along with Brahmastra.

 He said that the chariot was burnt due to different kind of weapons along with Brahmastra

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