the birth of Radha

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Then, placing Her glorious transcendental form in (the womb of, King Våñabhänu's wife, Çré Rädha' descended into a great palace in a garden by the Yamunä's shore

In the month of Bhädra (August-September), on a Monday that was the eighth day of the bright fortnight of the moon, at midday, when the sky was covered with clouds, (to celebrate Rädhä's descent, the demigods scattered flowers that had blossomed i...

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In the month of Bhädra (August-September), on a Monday that was the eighth day of the bright fortnight of the moon, at midday, when the sky was covered with clouds, (to celebrate Rädhä's descent, the demigods scattered flowers that had blossomed in the Nandana gardens.

Because of Rädhä's descent the rivers became very pure and clear, the directions became auspicious and happy, and graceful, gentle, cooling breezes carried the pollen of lotus flowers

Gazing at her daughter beautiful as hundreds of moons, the gopé Kérti became happy. To bring auspiciousness she gave two hundred thousand cows in charity to please the brähmaëas.

This is how Radha Rani was born.

They took her home. They understood she was an incarnation of Goddess. But she didn't open her eyes when she was born and her parents concluded she was blind and were sad.

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