The Five Queens

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Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Kalindi, Bhadra, Jambavati and Lakshmana. These women were loved by Lord Krishna. Satyabhama was Bhu devi. The 8 wives are also said to be Ashta Lakshmi (8 divine manifestations of Sri).
The other wives of Krshna had the aavesha of Lakshmi. In other words, Lakshmi was present as the antaryaami (indweller) within the hearts of Krshna's other wives, while they were pious devotees who attained the opportunity of being married to Bhagavaan.

Vinda and Anuvinda were the two brother kings of Avanti Kingdom. They had sister named Mitravinda who married to lord Krishna.

Lakshmana was the daughter of king Brihatsena. While she was courted by many prosperous kings, she was determined to marry Krishna and expressed her wish to her father. Brihatsena was happy with Lakshmana’s choice as he had great regard for Krishna and his prowess as an archer. However, the king was worried about the wrath of other kings who also wanted to marry Lakshmana. To avoid this, Brihatsena came up with the idea to hold a swayamvara with a contest. He told Lakshmana that only Krishna could emerge victorious in the contest and claim her hand, without offending other kings.

Invitations were sent to all eligible suitors including Krishna. When they all assembled for the contest, Brihatsena explained the rules to them. He said that the suitors had to attempt to shoot down the fish in a revolving machine, only by looking at its reflection in the water below.  The contest turned out to be extremely difficult and many failed to even lift the bow. Some of them found it impossible to string it and those who successfully strung it, failed to shoot straight. Then Krishna came and lifted the bow with ease. He strung it with a smile and looked at the reflection, took aim and let go of the arrow. The aim was perfect and the fish came down in pieces

Lakshmana stepped forward happily and garlanded him. After taking leave of Brihatsena, Krishna and Lakshmana reached Dwaraka, where Rukmini and Satyabhama received them with joy.

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