Goloka Vrindavan

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,Goloka Vrindavana is the topmost pinnacle of devotional service. It is the ultimate resting place of the creeper of devotional service. Further Goloka Vrindavana is divided into Vraja Mandala and Navadvipa Mandala.

 Further Goloka Vrindavana is divided into Vraja Mandala and Navadvipa Mandala

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in Goloka, there are 200 forms, you can be a Gopa, gopi, cow, herd boy, etc. In Goloka, the entities there, eat, play, sleep, do lilas with Krishna, it is a love of highest order, Lord Krishna is known as Kanha in Goloka.

Goloka is the highest heaven, where Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu, lived with his consort Radha and his cowherd friends. Kamdhenu was the chief of all the cows in Goloka, and is also the mother of Krishna’s favorite cow, Nandini. She was the source of all bliss and happiness in Goloka, and was worshipped by the residents of the realm.

 She was the source of all bliss and happiness in Goloka, and was worshipped by the residents of the realm

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Entry to Vrindavan is quite exclusive and is possible only by the mercy of the residents of Vrindavan. Those who wish to enter Vrindavan rather than Vaikuntha must take shelter of one of the Braja vasis and be trained by them for the confidential service they wish to perform for Sri Krishna and Radha.

In Goloka, all the qualities of Godhood manifest in fullness. This is the necessity to exchange the required rasa.

Those devotees who wish to participate in certain intimate rasas that require them to go beyond the mood of awe and reverence towards Godhood are offered the position in Goloka Vrindavana. In the abode of Goloka, there is no conception that Krishna is the Supreme God. One thinks that Krishna is my dearest friend, Krishna is my son, Krishna is my paramour, etc. Such relationships are not possible in Vaikuntha which has an opulent mood.

If one thinks, ‘’My son Krishna is so restless that He is always busy playing with His friends and doesn’t even eat properly, and thus He has become very thin. O Krishna, do you think you are a big man? Let me now show my strength and defeat you in a wrestling match. O Krishna, you are such a cheater, you were supposed to come to the trysting place last night, but you didn't show up, I can clearly see the signs of where did you go. Now please don’t talk to me, get lost’’, then it is the mood of Goloka. Such services are accepted by Lord Krishna.

If one sees that Lord Krishna is taking the feet of Radharani on His head and crying for Her mercy, it is Goloka Dhama.

If one sees that Lord is going barefoot to herd the cows and carrying a flute, it is Goloka Dhama. Even the only weapon-flute- is every day stolen by the gopis.

One shouldn’t think that the mood of servant and master is absent in Goloka. It is there in the various servants of Krishna’s home at Nandagrama. Ultimately, everyone is serving Krishna, some in more intimate and some in less intimate ways. However, there is a special sweetness and greater intimacy even in such exchanges as servant and master in Goloka Dhama Even though there are services such as massaging the lotus feet of Krishna in Goloka, the mood is sweeter and more intimate.

Actually, there is no difference between Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu/ Narayana. This is the ontological truth. Each form of Godhead is as complete and eternal as any other form. However, Lord’s opulences are manifested, depending on how much devotees wish to serve. Lord also reciprocates accordingly. This is not the fault of the Lord but the desire of the devotee that the Lord fulfils in the best way possible. Hence, different arrangements, abodes, and moods exist.

There are many Kalpa-Vriksha (desire-fulfilling trees) in the spiritual world. Whatever devotee desires are available at once. None of the ingredients of the food there are wasted or have a discardable portion. Everything is transcendental in nature and full of rasa. In this regard, Hayaśīrṣa-pañcarātra states

O Hari, your body should remain alive with my life. The flute should be made of my body and your feet should be made by mind. Who has created me from half of your body, there is therefore no difference between us and my mind always remains devoted to you.”

“My mind, my soul and my life always remain devoted to you. Similarly your mind, life and soul should always remain devoted to me.”

“Therefore even a moment's separation disturbs me. With the very hearing of the separation from you, my life gets disturbed.”

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