Sudama takes a curse

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There was a Brahmin who was very poor. Used to live by begging. A time came when he did not get alms for five days. he used to drink water every day and go to sleep chanting the name of God. On the sixth day he got two handfuls of gram in alms. It was night by the time he reached the cottage. Brahmin thought that now he will not eat these gram in the night, he will eat it after offering food to Vasudev in the morning. Thinking of this, the Brahmin tied the gram in a cloth and fell asleep chanting the name of Vasudev.

Some thieves came to the Brahmin's cottage to steal after he slept.

Thieves searched a lot here and there and found that bundle of gram, the thieves thought it had gold coins, so the Brahmin woke up and started making noise. All the people of the village ran to catch the thieves. The thief ran away with that bundle. Fearing being caught, all the thieves hid in Sandeepani Muni's ashram. (Sandipani Muni's hermitage was near the village where Lord Shri Krishna and Sudama were taking education)

Gurumata felt that someone has come inside the ashram, Gurumata went ahead to see. The thieves got scared and ran away from the ashram! While running away, the thieves left that bundle there. Here, when the Brahmin who was distraught with hunger came to know! When the thieves took away his gram bundle, the Brahmin cursed that Whoever eats the gram in the gram bundle will become poor.

On the other side, Guru Mata started sweeping the ashram in the morning while sweeping, Guru Mata found the same gram bundle. Guru Mata opened the bundle and saw that there were gram in it. Sudama ji and Shri Krishna were going to bring wood from the forest.

Guru Mata gave that gram bundle to Sudama ji. Where else son! When you feel hungry in the forest, both of you should eat this gram. Sudama ji was a born Brahmagyani. As soon as Sudama ji took the gram bud in his hand, he came to know the whole secret.

Sudama ji thought! Guru Mata has said that both the people should eat this gram equally. But if I feed this gram to Tribhuvanpati Shri Krishna, then the whole world will become poor. I will not do such that my Lord becomes poor while I am alive, I will never do such a thing. I will eat these gram myself but will not let Krishna eat it and Sudama ji himself ate all the gram. Sudama himself took the curse of poverty. But did not give even a single grain of gram to his friend Shri Krishna.

 But did not give even a single grain of gram to his friend Shri Krishna

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