17th day of Kurukshetra war

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Arjuna was engaged in slaughtering the samsaptakas, the Kosalas, and the Narayana forces.

Filled with rage and longing for victory, the samsaptakas, in that battle, began to pour showers of arrows on Arjuna's head.

Partha, however, quickly checking those arrowy showers, plunged into that battle, and began to slay many foremost of car-warriors

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Partha, however, quickly checking those arrowy showers, plunged into that battle, and began to slay many foremost of car-warriors.

Partha then attacked Susarma with his keen shafts.

Susarma. poured on Arjuna thick showers of arrows.

Meanwhile the samsaptakas also covered Partha with their shafts.

Then Susharma, piercing Partha with ten shafts, struck Krishna with three in the right arm.

Then he pierced the standard of Arjuna.

Then the ape on the banner of Arjuna started roaring.

Hearing the roars of the ape, under the influence of a great fear, that army became perfectly inactive.

Then those warriors, recovering their senses, began to drench Arjuna with their arrowy downpours like theclouds drenching the mountains

Samsaptakas Closed on Arjuna

Then all of them approached the great car of Arjuna.

Assailing him, they uttered loud roars although all the while they were being struck and slaughtered with sharp shafts.

They attacked Arjuna by getting into his car

Assailing his steeds, his car-wheels, his car-shaft, and every other limb of his vehicle, with great force, they uttered many shouts.

Some among them seized the massive arms of Keshava, and some among them, seized Partha himself with great joy as he stood on his chariot.

Then Keshava, shaking his arms on the field of battle, threw down all those that had seized them
Samsaptakas seized Krishna’s hands but he shook them off.

, Then Partha, encompassed by those great car-warriors, and beholding his car assailed and Keshava attacked in that manner became filled with rage,

Arjuna got angry.

He overthrew a large number of car-warriors and foot-soldiers.

And he covered all the combatants that were close to him with many arrows, that were fit for close encounters.

Addressing Keshava Arjuna said, “ None can face such close attack by rivals.

Arjuna hurled Nagastra

Having said these words, Vibhatsu blew his conch.

Then Krishna also blew his conch.

Hearing the conches,Samsaptakas got frightened.

Arjuna paralysed the legs of the samsaptakas by repeatedly invoking Nagastra.

Thus tied with those foot-tying bands by Arjuna all of them stood motionless, as if they had been petrified

Arjuna hurled Nagastra and all the Samsaptakas became motionless as their feet were tied up with snakes.

The son of Pandu then began to slay those motionless warriors like Indra slaying the Daityas in the battle with Taraka.

Thus slaughtered in that battle, they set the car free, and commenced to throw down all their weapons.

Their legs being paralysed, they could not, move a step.

Then Partha slew them with his straight arrows.

Indeed, all these warriors in that battle, aiming at whom Partha had invoked that foot-tying weapon, had their lower limbs encircled with snakes.

precisely Samsaptakas were brought under control by Nagastra.

Then the mighty car-warrior Susharma,, beholding his army ,quickly invoked the weapon called Sauparna

. Thereupon numerous birds began to come down and devour those snakes.

Thus liberated, those warriors once more shot their arrows,

They hurled their weapons at Arjuna's car

. And all of them pierced Partha with numerous weapons.

Cutting off with his own arrowy downpour Arjuna began to slaughter those warriors.

Arjuna hurls Aindrastra

Then Susharma, with a straight arrow, pierced Arjuna in the chest, and then he pierced him with three other shafts.

Deeply pierced therewith, and feeling great pain, Arjuna sat down on the terrace of his car.

Arjuna felt the pain and sat down.

Then all the troops loudly cried out, "Partha is slain."

Recovering his senses, Partha speedily invoked the Aindra weapon.

Then thousands of arrows, issuing from that weapon, were seen on all sides to slay warriors and elephants.

And steeds and warriors, in hundreds and thousands, were also seen to be slaughtered in that battle, with these weapons.

Then while the troops were thus being slaughtered, a great fear entered the hearts of all the samsaptakas and Gopalas, There was no man amongst them that could fight with Arjuna.

There in the very sight of all the heroes, Arjuna began to destroy the troops.

Beholding that slaughter, all of them remained perfectly inactive, without putting forth their prowess.

Then Arjuna slaughtered full 10,000 combatants 14,000 warriors, and 3,000 elephants.

Precisely this was the sequence of happenings on 17 th day between Arjuna and Samsaptakas.

In order

Attack Of Samsaptakas on Arjuna’s car,on Krishna and Arjuna

Arjuna ‘s Nagastra tied their lower limbs

Arjuna killed them in huge numbers

Susarma hurls Suparnastra and freed them from Nagastra effect

Arjuna pierced on his chest,sits in pain

Arjuna hurls Indrastra and most of the Samsaptakas were killed by the effect.

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