An extra helping hand

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We make our way to YouTube headquarters with Smg3 crew along with the new Mario cars filled the highway today along with talking from the outside as we follow our protagonist and his temporary companions to YouTube head quarters

Mario: you could've told me the headquarters is like 75 stories tall

Smg3: Quiet we're here

Security Guard: Stop right there

Rob: Corn delivery *throws corn at the security guard*


The security guard pressed the button that made a click sound which allowed the gate Coated with iron and other hard material

Weegee just drives the van  to the parking lot while rob entering the building with a giant basket ( because I don't know what rob used in the video so I'm going with a giant basket ) entering the elevator

Smg3: I'm impressed how you aren't being an idiot Mario

Mario: be grateful that he isn't in control

Smg3 cast was confused about what Mario was saying

Belle: boss didn't you told us he's an idiot he's acting smarter this simpu and a bit insane

Simpu: that wasn't very nice

Smg3: I don't know but just go along the plan

Mario: I could hear you idiots

Suddenly rob went outside the elevator to the gaming room

Smg3: Belle your up

As everything went according to smg3 plan with Belle distracting the gamers and rob making the gamers and guard buying his beautiful corn product

Smg3, Mario, jubjub and purple shroomy went in to the locked room as they were walking they were suddenly approached by 2 giant youtube robot with giant mini guns preparing to fire upon our temporary crew but what came to smg3 surprise was Mario preparing to fight but smg3 won't allow that to happen just not yet


shroomy went to a gun and gun fight with the giant robot with shroomy dodging every bullet with incredible agility and mobility


Shroomy fired his shotgun which filled the entire room meanwhile simpu is distracting robot 2 with streams featuring twitch girls playing game which soon caused the robot to only pay attention to that

Robot2: OOOOOOOOOOO *robot malfunction noise*

Smg3: Go go go!!

As the now 3 members preparing to go to the boss fight they stumble across a room filled with laser

Mario: that machine would be handy

Smg3: yea yea I know is *activates*  OH YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME THEY HAD BACKU-

Smg3 was stun expect for jubjub he's a child as Mario jump across showing inhuman mobility and agility with a surprising speed with flexibility making it to the other side of the room is less then 4 second

Smg3: b-b-but h-h-how

Mario: enough talking *click* I have to destroy that monster

Ṫ̸͇̹͝h̵͂ͅe̵̩̦̕ ̵̗̼̅F̵̣̈́̾ó̷̫r̴̼̤͂g̶̖͕̀͂o̷̹̘̊t̸̢̙̅t̷̩̓̐e̴͔̖̋n̵̦̈́͑ personality had a flashback of every good time he had with Greg to them meeting to his end as he step though the empty room echoing every footstep he made he finally found her

Susan wojiki?: I'm impress how you made it Mario and Smg3

Mario: hurry up I don't have al-

Suddenly Mario got hit by Susan in her giant Barney dinosaur form which knocked him though a wall while smg3 and jubjub coward in fear in the corner of the room

Pewdiepie: help they kept me in here for views 😭

Mario: yea yea

Mario in a act of kindness cut open pewdiepie chains allowing him to run towards his freedom

Mario: this is for you Greg

Mario jumped appearing in front of Susan pushing his palm to her face allowing him to push her to the wall of the room causing a great crack which was shown and exposed inside and outside of the across the large building this caught the attention of a trio of girls One of them was tall the other one was short and the other was just shorter

Blue hair: uhhh guys is it me or that building is going to collapse

Orange hair: Tari I will check it out meanwhile Saiko take Tari home

Saiko: no fair I want to kick some butts after this long and boring day

Meggy: just let me do it

With enough convincing Saiko agreed that Meggy can check while her and Tari will go back to the castle to play an fighting game

Meggy: what is this feeling it feels like some creature not maybe something else did this I need to check it out


Mario slammed Susan to the wall before teleporting just to fire punch her in the gut and knock her out cold

Mario: that was for Greg

Smg3: m-Mario

Smg3 was shown great fear towards Mario due to his new discovery of Mario potential while jubjub was amazed to Mario strength

Smg3: l-l-let's get the remote

Jubjub: JubJub

Mario: you can get it I'm going home

Smg3 grabbed a walkie-talkie from his overalls and alarm the crew

Smg3: mission up jubjub is getting the remote meet me outside

Belle: copy and boss what was that earthquake

Purple shroomy: it felt like a DEMON to murder hehehe

Simpu: yea boss it knocked the wifi here

Rob: my corn is dirty now >:(

Weegee: Weegeee weeegeeee

Smg3: I'll tell you later but now we gotta go to base * hears someone falling down *

Jubjub: JubJub

Smg3: Perfect Plan b everyone prepare to jump out of the building

As they all jumped they all was soon landed in a giant pool of corn prepared by Weegee


They all went inside the van just for Shroomy to notice something odd

Purple shroomy: boss aren't we missing that Italian plumber and why is your face scared

Smg3: oh uhhh nothing *mind* how how is he that powerful has he been holding back for this long no that doesn't explain anything good lord I paid him already otherwise I would've met the same fate*

Smg3: but don't worry this this remote we could show everyone our power hehehehehe



Our smol bean Meggy reached on the top floor to realize the ceo Susan wooickdo to be unconscious soon Meggy dialing 911

Meggy: I'm in the YouTube headquarters Someone is unconscious it looked like she also took a beating

911: we're coming ma"am stay in the call so we can automatically learn more

who could've done this as Meggy thought

While Mario is walking home he was looked weird or hated by people he remembered in the pizza incident

Mario: it's good to be back

He said with a smirk as he walked his way back home knowing events will soon occur again

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