The Location

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As the two Italians slowly started to gain their consciousness they were quickly startled about the area they were soon at the middle of the forest as they look at each other both realized they were transparent as they soon witness 1 USB landing in the forest as a green particle soon conquered the USB teleporting it

Mario: why are we in the internet graveyard

Smg4: beats me

As the duo saw a portal which soon both entered to discover 2 USB crashing landing in multiple location as Smg4 USB landed in front of the mushroom kingdom as for the Smg1 and 2 landed on top of an mountain

Smg4: it would actually make sense since that green particle hit Smg3 USB which was the reason his USB landed a lot more late then my it's all coming together

Mario: let's find this USB

As soon everyone went white as they slowly collapsed to the ground reopening their eyes as they had a miner headache but quickly brushed it aside

Axol: you guys alright

Mario: say that when Meggy comes home


Melony: ooooooooooooo

Smg4: I'm glad everyone made it out alive

Mario: *sigh*

Axol: aren't we missing someone?

Smg4/Mario: NO

Axol: ummm ok

As they all slowly made their way back home not realizing that Bob found smg3 USB as it soon went all down


As the castle was peaceful with Smg4 and Mario packing up resources preparing for their adventure towards the mountain before

Bob: Yo yO YO tHe grEaT bOb iS hErE

Smg4/Mario: #### DAMM IT

30 minutes later

Mario: we're almost there I think

Smg4: we would've gotten there 30 minute earlier if you used your abilities you know

Mario: and waste energy we don't even know the potential and capability of those new ground characters Smg4 the best we could do is prepare so I'm preparing by saving my energy

Smg4: good point an- HOLY ####

Mario: alright let's go

As Mario quickly grabbed the back of Smg4 shirt before jumping as they were soon greeted by multiple stick figures

Mario: I don't have time for this

As Mario made his finger into a gun pointing it at the jail cell

Smg4: w-wait Mario let's no-

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