The Next Day

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The sunlight shining though the window reflecting like if it was a diamond shining though the sun with peace and quiet of the beautiful nature surrounding the Mario bros house as the younger brother of Mario luigi awoken with a smile

Luigi: Bro time to ge-

Suddenly interrupted by Mario sleep talk behavior

Mario: how should I know...ZzzZzzz..

Suddenly Mario jolt up from bed with sweat dripping down his face like if he was awoken from a nightmare just to look around to see the shine from the window and his younger brother

Luigi: you ok bro

Mario: yea I'm ok

Sudden flashback toward Mario dream

Mario: oh hey want some spaghetti

As the idiotic counterpart of Mario went crazy over spaghetti

The genius: we have all agreed to make everything normal again

T̸̰́̀h̵͗͜e̴̡̺͑ ̷̭̪͑̓f̴͎̊ọ̷͌r̸̭͛͂g̴͇͕͋̈́ŏ̸͇t̵͉́̽t̶̲͔̿̓e̸̥̅n̶̫̟̈: how should I trust you to be exact what if your all trying to get rid of me

Mad Mario: we all agreed on making you come back after all it'll make us all whole again minus the fact that we're not mentally ill like that guy it makes me want to kill him for being an idiot

Compassion: I could've agree less we could become normal again

The genius: all of us voted for it Forgotten it'll better benefit our chances against smg3

Sad Mario: yea...

Mario: Let'a get a going

T̸̰́̀h̵͗͜e̴̡̺͑ ̷̭̪͑̓f̴͎̊ọ̷͌r̸̭͛͂g̴͇͕͋̈́ŏ̸͇t̵͉́̽t̶̲͔̿̓e̸̥̅n̶̫̟̈: I could beat him alone

The genius: you can't he has the YouTube remote who knows what it'll do he could fuse with it he could possibly do anything that we must all prepare

T̸̰́̀h̵͗͜e̴̡̺͑ ̷̭̪͑̓f̴͎̊ọ̷͌r̸̭͛͂g̴͇͕͋̈́ŏ̸͇t̵͉́̽t̶̲͔̿̓e̸̥̅n̶̫̟̈: how should I know-

The genius: it's been a pleasure to talk to you all again

Mario: Letsa kick somea as-

As suddenly a bright light fills the room with Mario awaking from his slumber

Luigi: say you want some breakfast

Mario: after I brush my teeth

As Mario footstep approach the bathroom he couldn't help but noticed a difference in his behavior he knew he had control but it felt like everyone is at control something he couldn't describe feeling minus that he feels whole.

As he finish brushing his teeth he decided to skip breakfast as he felt his appetite die.

Mario: I'll think I'll skip breakfast Luigi

Luigi: Yea same I need to buy groceries

Mario: buy normal ones don't fill the fridge with spaghetti

This send shock though Luigi body as he never thought his brother would say that about spaghetti.

Luigi: y-y-yea sure say how about we meet with the gang

Mario hesitated starring off for a moment

Mario: f-f-fineee ( Markiplier way of saying it  )

Luigi: YA HOOO let's get going bro

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