The Festival part 2

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As Meggy held Mario hand as they went to each part of the festival filled with talking and squid like decorations along with laughter as Mario froze from Meggy holding his hand


Mario: y-yea

As Mario and Meggy continued doing random event until one particular event which soon caught their attention along with their friends

Mario: Seriously paint tag?

Meggy: come on Mario it isn't that bad

Smg4: it looked like rip off laser tag

Boopkins: it actually looks fun

Bob: yEa lEtS shOoT eAcHotHEr

Saiko: finally some violence

Tari: it sound fun I guess

Desti: this should be easy

Fm and X: we're both automatically gonna be on teams

Axol: I pretty sure it says free for all

Fm and X: ####ING DARN IT

Melony: guys let's play

Starman3: Yea let's do it

As each player gets ready to play paint and go to each starting point of the match waiting for the whistle to blow as the wind blew each player got more and more focus expect for Tari as she was nervous until she remembered Meggy speech

Meggy: Think of it as a videogame

Tari: alright

As the whistle blew each player shot and shot as they were running for their lives while also shooting at their opponent as Bob was the main target do to his horrible dodging skills as each crew member got their mvp moment with smg4 shooting boopkins and Luigi while Luigi was able to dodge all the attack later on as he was scared and ended up shooting Bob on accident meanwhile Mario he was dodging while shooting at smg4 who also was dodging and shooting at Mario as both players shot until Mario ran out of ink as he quickly got shot by smg4


As smg4 was quickly shot by stray bullet from Tari and Meggy as both of them were doing mvp moves as each of their stray bullets soon got the others as they couldn't believe the amount of skills they have while Desti is handling Saiko and Luigi

Smg3: uhhhh my head *collapsed*

Mario: says you Meggy gave me a headache from visiting every part of that festival *collapsed*

As both smg4 and Mario collapsed onto the ground Fm and soon Starman3 and x was shot near Mario and smg4 creating a circle

Fm: I can't feel my a%#

X: I *cough cough* think I got shot in the noggin

Starman3: anyone got painkillers

Smg4: nope we don't have any surprisingly

Mario: I can't wait for bed

As all 5 started chuckling as it reminded them of their past until a stray ink bomb from Meggy soon exploding causing all of them to fling out of the paint tag playground into the entrance

Fm/Smg4/X/Mario/Starman3: AHHHHHHH

As Meggy and Tari continued fighting with their splat gun until finally Tari got the upper hand with the high ground and used her last ink as Meggy was prepared to get shot until

- ring ring ring -

Tari: awww man I almost won

Meggy: good job Tari you almost got me speaking of that where is Mario and the others

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