U̵n̵p̶l̸e̸a̶s̸a̷n̶t̵ ̴s̴u̷r̵p̵r̶i̴s̴e̶ ̷

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As Mario was explaining every detail of smg3 heist ( expect the fight between him and Susan ) smg4 wrote down every note

Smg4: so you helped smg3

Mario: it was for Greg Smg4 and how do you think I release steam after the beatdown you guys did

Meggy:...we're sorry re-

Mario: I prefer being called by my name


Tari: if what your explaining to us is true then we must try to stop him before we all get deleted

She said with a scared and shock face

Saiko: you really are a dumb##s for helping him

Melony: I'll use my hacking skills to get a reading on smg3

Luigi: bro that's how you got the money?

Mario: it was a good deal

Smg4: Mario you don't know the danger of the remote

Mario:... doesn't matter

Bob: weRe sO ##C#

Boopkins: I don't want to die I still need to be with my wafius

Axol: even my pen doesn't have the power and capacity to deal with the remote and also thanks for freeing me Mario

Mario: almost anything for someone who didn't beat me up over pizza

Axol: wait wha

Axol was Back In his apartment during the pizza only focusing on the anime manga

Smg4: It's fine as long as we shut down the remote we're good and return it to Susan

Melony: Got the reading

As the crew made their way out of the castle and onward to the location melony has provided them with the location of smg3 just to visit a area of darkness with no sign of the green plant life around with a building with dirty concrete just to hear sparks coming from inside

Smg4: Alright boys Let's kick some as# we won't be able to have melony and Axol right now as they make sure Susan is alright

(The event plays the same as the video deleted but with different reaction I decided to make and the important ones and a few changes)

In Tari shoes we get the same video she met Mario

Belle: hey you don't need her to train you I'm better

Tari: hey don't listen to her Mario

As both Tari and Belle argued before Mario suggest that they fight in video games

Belle/Tari: intense button smashing and focusing

Mario: holy cow is this what it look like to eat 5 spaghetti :O

Belle knew she will lose if she continued as Tari is slightly more skilled then her suddenly a genius idea came in mind as Belle grabbed Tari duck


as Belle soon defeated her rival Tari which led to Mario and Belle walking away as he has found the "superior" Gamer suddenly Tari was kicked out of the video as Mario is punching the machine until he heard a crying sound

Tari: m-m-ario I d-don't want to go

As Mario saw her slowly fade away he tried to confront his best friend and convinced her to fight it off while tears started appearing from his eyes

Mario: Tari d-d-don't say that PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THE OTHERS I forgive you just don't

Tari: thanks Mario...

As she faded away leaving Mario with tears flowing down his cheek as his friend left him

Mario: no...

Meanwhile meggy

Meggy: I sure missed inkopolis

As Meggy turned to the corner she quickly hid as she saw her past self slowly walking away from mario until a purple shroom showed up

Purple Shroomy: Yo Italian I'll help you escape just go though this sewer I'll be waiting for ya

As Purple Shroomy went down the sewer mario who was getting up finally walked towards the sewer until

Meggy: Mario wait you can't leave yet what if he brings you to a different place!

Mario: sorry although your Mario type Mario gotta go :D

Meggy blushed as she didn't expect this from her friend however the thing that truly broke her heart was hearing the fact mario is leaving

Meggy: w-w-ait re...d I haven't made you forgive me yet *sobbing*

As Meggy also slowly fade away along with the others

Smg4 problem

Smg4 oh boi it's good to be where me and Mario first met

As the same event occurred as the video we cut to smg4 final word to Mario before he gets deleted

Smg4: sorry Mario I couldn't save them

Mario: No No No No No No Smg3 you damn bastard BRING THEM BACK

As suddenly like if nothing happened a white flash of light appeared and we get introduced to Mario near a plate of spaghetti

Mario: where am I

Mario heard the door open and footsteps as Mario turned around he couldn't help but to question

Mario: are w-wait Luigi?

Luigi: Mario let's go see our friend

Mario: ye-

Before Mario knew it he heard a glitch sound which brought him to all his friends which soon all of his friends disappear

Smg3: hello Mario

Mario was furious as he saw smg3 the person responsible for the death of his friends and his brother as Mario took a step he suddenly was frozen in time

Smg3: I don't hate you Mario you helped me in a video before tell me when you finally want to join me

As smg3 left Mario was getting more and more angry as he remembered all his friends Meggy,Luigi,Smg4 and the others

I won't show you mercy

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