A Fighting Chance

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As Mario was standing in front of the creature he held his hand as it was hurt although his entire body was enduring the pain from the creature while smg4 and smg3 tried escaping although they were tired as Saiko and the others was fighting the monster with the duo hobo was holding an USB

Mario: took you guys long enough...heh

Smg4: Mario hang in there

As the rematch began Mario quickly did a backflip avoiding a devastating punch as he landed on this creature arm before shooting a fire ball directly at its eye as it quickly stunned him unable to see before shooting a fireball at smg3 and 4 making them able to move freely as they quickly went to their friends and met with the duo hobos

Mario: who are you guys

Smg4: how are you guys gonna stop this multiverse looming virus

Mario: what wha-

Smg3: we'll explain later

Hobo2: we need to get rid of this monster

Saiko: we can't d-

As desti and her crew appeared

Smg4: hey why are you so mean to me

Desti: you disturb our training and reunion of course we shot you

As they quickly shot the other faceless multicolored Mario with paint as the others decided to join in


As Saiko smashed the other faceless multicolor Mario's with her hammer while Axol and melony as side by side knocking the faceless Mario's left and right as boopkins and Bob with their unique way of rapping or singing it's too bad to tell set the the faceless Mario's on fire while rob fed them corns while wimpu was distracting them with horrible anime as the hobos and Tari controlling her ducky like a video game and ran over all the Mario's

Smg4: who are you guys

Hobo1: I thought it was obvious

Hobo2: we're smg like you


Smg1: he's two I'm 1 I need help reaching to zero so I can use your USB

Smg4: w-wait leaving us already

Hobo2: find my USB it contains all the info

While Mario was flying back hitting the wall with an tremendous force causing a crack on the wall as Mario quickly went back to his normal form before meeting with the smgs

Smg4: Mario you don't look so go-

Mario: I'm breathing so please shut up

Smg2: your the avatar

Mario: sorry I don't watch avatar the la-

Smg1: alright we need to reach zero I need some help

Mario: it would be easy if you arrived earlier before I got attacked by him

Smg2: we're sorry bu-

Mario: alright fine just we gotta go and kill that guy

Smg3: I like that plan

As each Mario quickly turned ultra instinct with his remaining 1 minute power he quickly made a pathway along with smg3 and 4 while the hobos to go and quickly used the USB which attracted the monster into some wormhole which soon absorbed the monster and the smg1 and 2 as they soon disappeared as all the multicolor Mario's soon received their faces and everyone went normal

Smg4: wait apparently your the avatar Mario???

Smg3: that explains why hes the strongest

Mario: I only got this strong because of tr-

Smg3: enough bull s*** I wanna get home and take a vacation

Mario: Meggys gonna kill me

Smg4: no sh

Boopkins: let's go home and watch some ANIMEEE

Simpu: I agree


Tari: or video game

Smg4: or memes

Mario: or sleep

As everything went exactly to the video expect that Mario is smart

I might need a little vacation from writing stories after all most of the chapters I did was over 1000 words expect for this one I'm maybe planning to come back after a week as I'm feeling a burnout but when Im back expect it to be a cool down

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