The Dead Aniversity

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As we look at the large castle home to one particular person Smg4 as he was looking up some memes particular for his video as he soon heard a door knock

Smg4: ughh what now

As he slowly approached the wood door and opened it he noticed nothing was there nothing was in his view until he felt a grab on his shoulder he knew the the hand was larger then his shoulder and slowly turned around as his eye pupil slowly became smaller

A Dead Meme who was had Mario struggling releasing his grip as smg4 quickly bonk the dead meme head as him and Mario quickly retreated before Mario kicked the dead meme then doing a backflip in order to get down to the bottom of the stairs


as smg4 jumped down to be catch by Mario before running to the door giving them a huge gap between him and the dead meme as they reached outside they heard footstep approaching as the dead meme reached outside it was quickly put to care with smg4 using the boos as a jail cage for the dead meme

Smg4: Cheese

As smg4 posted this on his social media while Mario is examining the dead meme

Mario: isn't this morshu whatever his name is

Smg4: yea I don't know why he looks so corrupted

As the two friends check the dead meme out they quickly saw a portal with 2 Ugandan knuckles coming out seeing Mario and smg4 as Mario quickly had to the portal as smg4 also went confused but knowing Mario he knew Mario had a plan

Mario: jeez it's annoying

Smg4: wait Mario  can't you easily beat the dead meme

Mario: after forcing myself to eat Meggy food I could barely fight in my prime smg4

As he quickly remembered eating Meggy food forcefully which cause his stomach to erupt as Mario was feeling horrible spending his time in the hospital for 3 hours

Mario: that was my biggest mistake honestly

Smg4: yea Any-

As they saw a whole bunch of uganban knuckles with guns

Smg4: uhhh Mario can you still use ultra instinct.

Mario: n-

As they were soon jumped by the knuckles as they soon wake up hanging upside down as a giant troll appeared as Mario was preparing to risk his health by using ultra instinct before being stopped by smg3

Smg3:  HAHAHAAHA you should've seen your faces as you got pawned BY THE CELEBRITY OF THE INTERNET GRAVEYARD SMG3

Uganbans knuckles: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Mario: just get me the #### outta here

Smg4: and why did you send a corrupted meme after  us

Smg3: De-e-a-d meme we need a meeting

As smg3 brought them into a building as everything was dark with the light being in the room their in and benign reflected off the laptop the 3 little knuckles are watching as smg3 explained it to smg4 and Mario he couldn't help but question Mario

Smg3: wait Mario how come you didn't be-

Mario: tell Meggy cooking that

Smg3: seriously you got a heavy nerf because of her cooki-

Smg4: Mario said it tasted like charcoal with rotten eggs

Smg3: pff-

As smg3 was slapped by Mario

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