An beautiful aftermath

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The day after we see our two favorite plumbers walking towards the castle with grass filled with insects and flowers blooming with peaceful as birds chirped and insects roaming peacefully

Luigi: hmmm bro can I ask you a question

Mario was caught off guard as they were admiring the peace earlier

Mario: yea sure go ahead

Luigi: Do you have a crush on someone?

As Luigi said it Mario couldn't help but blush as that was the last question he suspected

Mario: w-wa-h n-n-no there isn't

Luigi started laughing as he was clear his brother was in love as his reaction and action revealed more then words

Mario:w-what's so fun-ny

As luigi settled down he couldn't help but tell the truth

Luigi: so is the one dearest to me Meggy since I've seen how you react to her bro

Mario was stun has he really been this bad at hiding his crush on his friend Meggy

Mario: b-b-ro ho-ow d-id yo-u f-ind o-ut

Luigi: Bro your 24 I'm 20 we've known each other for 20 years and Meggy is turning 20 soon

Mario: darn it Luigi

Luigi: any suggestion in a gift or something that could cheer you up

Mario: not really I just don't know maybe splatoon related is a good gift

Luigi: yea true I'm glad to see you and our friends relationship fully repaired

Mario: yea...

As Luigi noticed something off with his older brother and with concern he asked

Luigi: Mario is something off

Mario: I couldn't help but remember anime ark as that was Meggy lowest moment if I awaken earlier maybe this would've never happened

Luigi: Mario deep inside you I knew you had the potential something was blocking you as every time they abuse you I couldn't help but wonder why you were so durable and yesterday you proved everyone how you truly are

Mario: it's just hard to ignore des-

Mario soon got the most genius idea in mind as Meggy a inkling who turned human always wanted to something related to splatfest and with Desti

Mario: wait Luigi don't we have another 1 up mushroom and money to afford a certain carnival

Luigi: yea wh-

As great mind thinks alike Luigi soon caught up to mario plan



Both brothers: YAAAA HOOOO

As the brothers separated to find certain materials


In the castle of peach we see the smg4 group hanging out celebrating their victory

Meggy: my birthday is near WOHOOO

Saiko: officially a 20 year old congratulations

Tari: I'm sooo happy

Smg4: where do you think Mario and Luigi is

Axol: probably finding gifts

Boopkins: I can't wait for tomorrow

Bob: iM gOing tO fLex mY bEsT BiRthdAy gIfT

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