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"Movies are what make us special."

"They make our fiction of imagination comr tru-."


Alright anyways

I owe all of you some explanation

So I did give a hint of an revelation arc story I'll be honest it's on progress although I somewhat lost the motivation to write. Yes you heard me I just don't want to write until I came back and I saw that my story is somehow I'm Mario like top 5 sometime and I'm just wondering how on earth there's people with better grammars, story telling, and overall better story then me and I didn't pay much attention to grammar but for the
Mario x Meggy got top 1 I think by the time I'm writing this but it somewhat made me think ay I got potential although I'm not that much into grammar but I'll try anyways I promised you guys it ima work on it but here's the trailer



Rustling could be heard throughout the forest. Birds were flying due to the fear of a potential predator. An orange hair girl could be seen wearing an beanie as she had goggles which she doesn't use. Soon an girl with melon like seeds on her face wearing a black with hoodie with Red with green on the bottom around her chest, With the same feature for her button right. As the two females ran throughout the forest they were soon sabotaging each other as the orange beanie threw her hand around revealing a somewhat paint gun as it splattered across trees echoing the sound. Soon enough the same treatment would last and last until the green hair had enough and began to choose her sword somewhat reflecting her attack. As the two enemies began heading towards the light both jumped trying to touch the light before.


The voice said to look up revealing an green cap Italian with an mustache as he wrote a green shirt with blue overalls.

"Meggy you should know not to keep shooting your splatgun" As the orange beanie heard

" Come on Luigi " the beanie girl said with an attitude of annoyance.

" Melony I know you want us safe but that was kinda overdoing " the green hair melon girl said with slight hint of embarrassment across her face.

" WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR FOOD IS ALMOST DONE " a man with a blue cap with the same outfit as Luigi with different colors said.

" Sure thing Smg4 " could be heard

As the group began to sit down as one seat was missing.

" where's Mario " said Meggy with slight hint of concern.

" Trying to find something that's fitting for him " the comment was returned by a pink long hair anime girl sitting down as her hammer with skull sign lay down.

As soon the creature in a cloak appeared along with a green boopkins along with him

"I sAy wE PaRtY wItHoUt hIM" said the cloak figured

" as but come on Bob we can't just do that to Mario "
Said the boopkinin a compassion and sad tone.

Sorry I'm late

An unexpected voice was heard which caught the attention of Meggy who which quickly ran towards her boyfriend as they hugged

" Mario get yourself a room " said Smg4

" My apologies just didn't think that'll happen "

As the squad began to sit as they all ate their food before stopping

" anyways what do you plan on doing now Meggy "

I have officially decided
In order to protect my love ones
My friends
As long as accomplishing my goals and my life dream
I decided

To go to college and become a

Ok you may continue Karen

"Now on to the movie"

Only wanted it H̶̳͘i̷̖̊d̶̳́̚d̵̲̊ē̵̫ň̶̪Where stories live. Discover now