Vol. 15 | It's All Fucking Pete's Fault

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The saviors leaders sat around the table, telling stories and making jokes. Ron sat next to Negan, who was at the end of the table, listening to Gary's story.
"So I asked her "did you like the chili?" And she starts fucking laughing at me!" Gary said, telling the story of of his first kiss.
"Wait a damn minute. She kissed you, and the first thing out of your mouth was "did you like the chili?"" Gavin said, laughing at the ridiculousness.
"I was nervous! We dated for a year after that, by the way." Gary said, trying to defend himself.

Simon laughed. "That's nothing compared to my first kiss." He said, hyping up his story already.
"I didn't know you had ever kissed anyone." Laura said, not sure how much she was joking.

"Shut up. When I was fifteen, there was this girl in my school. She was really pretty, blond hair and everything. Ron, Dwight, Laura, don't take that the wrong way. But anyways, I asked her out and of course she said yes. A few nights later we're in her room and her parents aren't home. Needless to say, I had my first kiss and lost my virginity in the same night." Simon said with a smile that always unnerved Ron.

Ron light a cigarette, looking to see if anyone believed that story.
Dwight looked back at Ron, just shaking his head in disbelief.
"Bull-fucking-shit." Negan said, Lucille on the table in front of Ron.
"It's one hundred percent true." Simon claimed, the smile never leaving his face.
"Yeah right. And I lost my virginity before my first kiss." Negan joked, making fun of the absurdity of Simons story.

"Was it Lucille? Your first kiss?" Ron said, making the room go silent. He was the only one confident enough to ever bring her up.
"Yeah. It was. We were sixteen, and it was at this little Italian restaurant." Negan said calmly, only because it was Ron that had asked.
Ron smiled, picking up the bat in front of him.
"How cute." He said with a smile, looking at Lucille.
"Yeah sure. What about you kid? How was your first kiss?" Negan said, making Ron go pale momentarily.
He thought for a second, deciding to tell the story, but omit a few details.

"It was by a pond with my first boyfriend." Ron said, leaving out that that boy was also still his boyfriend, and Carl Fucking Grimes.
"How cute." Negan said, just as Ron had.
"Pretty boring. Aren't you going to tell us anything else?" Simon said, unhappy with the brevity of the story.
"What else is there to say?" Ron asked, not wanting to explain it any further.
"I don't know. You're just.. well, you, I guess." Simon replied, always unhappy with Ron's secrecy regarding his past.
"Whatever that means." Ron said, leaving the room upset.

Negan sighed. "Come on Simon. We can't press him for information. Especially about boys. You know that. Just leave him be. He'll tell us if he wants. And if he doesn't want to, then so be it. His past is his to tell and it changes nothing." He said, angry with Simon.


"This sucks." Mikey complained, he, Carl, and Enid herding walkers.
"I know. But what can you do?" Enid agreed, keeping a safe distance. She wasn't Ron or something.
"Come on guys. Don't complain so much. This is gonna end up being Ron's problem. And he'll probably have to do it by himself." Carl said, feeling sympathy for his boyfriend.
"Yeah, why are we doing this anyway? We know Negan is just going to make Ron lead them away from the sanctuary." Mikey said, not grasping the plan.

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