Part 1

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Tw: panic attack, crying and screaming.

Nick's phone rings, he answers "Hello" "Nick?" Ollie says "Hey Ollie, is everything ok?"
"N...N..Nick" Ollie says while Crying and panicking.
"Ollie take a breath" Nick says calmly. Ollie takes a breath before saying, "I need you to pick me up" holding tears back. "Of course, what's wrong?" Nick says while grabbing his keys and putting his shoes on. "Just come get me please!" Ollie says while trying to stay calm. "I'm on my way Ollie"

Nick drives to the springs house, once he arrives he knocks on the door. There's no answer Nick opens the front door and hears Ollie crying and screaming almost like Charlie's panic attacks.
Nick sprints up the stairs to Ollie room. "Hey Ollie I'm here, can I come in?" Silence fills the house for what feels like 10 minutes but it was only 30 seconds before Nick tried again "Ollie?" Nick waits for a response however he doesn't get one. "Ollie I'm coming in" Nick opens the bed room door and sees Ollie having a panic attack. His knees to his chest and rocking himself to calm down. Nick sees so much of Charlie in Ollie it hurts that he is witnessing this. Nick sits down next to Ollie and puts his arms around him. "Hey it's ok, I'm here and you're safe Ollie" Nick says in a soft comforting gentle tone.

After 15 minutes of Nick comforting Ollie, Ollie calms down he starts to panic "I'm so sorry Nick I didn't even check if you were busy" Nick quickly reassures Ollie "Hey it's ok Ollie, I'm here for you anytime ok"
"Thank you" Ollie wipes a tear from his cheek. Nicks tries to ask Ollie how he is, however Ollie rejects the question and shyly asks "Can I come to yours and Charlie's house please?" "Of course you can! What's going on?" Nick try's his best to find out what's going on but can't, as
Ollie stands up and picks his bags up. Nick knows this behaviour and knows he needs to wait for Ollie to be ready to talk.
"Thank you Nick, I'll let you on the way if that's ok." "Sure" Nick is hopeful that Ollie will let him in on what's going on in his world. Nick knows he just needs to be patient. "Can I carry something for you Ollie?" Nick questions as Ollie picks up all 4 bags of his
"No it's fine"

*In the car*
"So Ollie anything interesting happening at the moment?" Nick tries to focus Ollie's attention on something else as this usually works for Charlie, as nick has learnt Charlie's exercises and techniques when he is in this type of head space. Ollie has his head against the window, looking at the houses, streets and nature outside. "It's ok Ollie, I won't make you talk until you feel comfortable. Would you like the aircon on?" "No thanks" Ollie lies.
"Are you sure it's a hot day and you're wearing winter clothing"
"Nick I'm fine!" Ollie shouts
"I'm Sorry Ollie."
The drive home is quiet, Nick doesn't mind as it's not an awkward silence. He hopes Ollie will open up soon

Hi thanks for reading!
Please feel free to give feedback as I want to improve my book if there's something not right.
Was the writing layout ok? I am trying a new style of writing, so it may take a bit to feel comfortable when reading. Particularly if you have come from TikTok, it's completely different from my TypeStory's, as I've added more details to my writing.
Enjoy your day, afternoon, evening or night.
Thanks K

New beginnings (Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie)Where stories live. Discover now