Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie. Part 5

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A/N: I know it's been a week or so since I've updated this story. Im in another busy part of my life so I haven't had the time to write. Honestly between you can me, I thought I didn't have much of part 5 until I looked at it I remember I needed to change a few words and expand a few details. I hope you enjoy this part, as there may not be another part for a few weeks. However I will try my best to continue writing. Also if you are from tiktok, don't worry I haven't forgotten that platform either, the videos require a lot more focus and detail which I haven't had with life being busy. I believe that is everything I needed to update you all on so let's continue this story. (This part is a lot more positive that the last few.)
Thanks K

Not long after the couple had put the tv on, all snuggled up together Nick's left arm around Charlie's chest diagonally to his waist and his right hand holding Charlie's hand.

Ollie came out from his room standing and observing from the doorway unsure if his brother and boyfriend wanted to be along before saying
"Hi Charlie"
Charlie's leans up and smiles as he say "Hi Ollie". Ollie comes over to hug Charlie.
"Oh I've missed you, I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Charlie's says in a warm caring voice, happy to see his brother again.

"I know it's been so long, I'm ok. How are you?" Ollie said not ready to have a deeper conversation with Charlie yet.
"I'm glad to hear you're ok, I'm better now that you are here." Charlie says as he smiles at Ollie, as he see ollie getting himself comfortable in arm chair curling his leg up, with a throw rug over his body.

"Would you like to play a game with us?" Nick inquires hoping to talk the stress of Ollie about the events that happened earlier. "Most Saturdays we do game night. You are more than welcome to join." Charlie invites Ollie.
"That sounds like fun, what game is it tonight?" Ollie exclaimed. Nick and Charlie look at one another as if they could read each other's mind without saying a word. "You can choose" the couple said in unison smiling.

Nick showing Ollie where they store their games.

"Omg there's so many! How am I going to choose?" Ollie shouted.
"Well if you choose to stay with us for a while, I'm sure we could get through them all in, with playing 2 games a week." Nick quietly said making sure Charlie didn't hear as he doesn't know the full story yet.

"That's a good point, Nick thank you once again for getting me today." Ollie giving a hug to thank Nick for what he did.
"It's ok Ollie, I'm always going to be here for you."

"Right let's go play some uno!!" Nick shouts as he walks back into the living area.

"What did you pick for tonight?" Charlie asks as he pretends he didn't hear Nick.
"What would uno (u know) Charlie?" Ollie says sarcastically while rolling his eyes trying not to laugh.
"That's a good one Ollie" Charlie laughed.

"Let's go play at the kitchen island, you and Charlie can have a few rounds before dinner is ready, and then after dinner I will play the Winner. Is that ok?"
"Sounds like an excellent plan Nick." Said excitedly as Ollie know who would win.

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