Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie. Part 6

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⚠️TW: Eating disorder mention, panicking, restraining. ⚠️

After a few rounds of uno with Ollie winning every time, Nick calls for dinner. Ollie starts very uneasy about dinner has he makes his way over to the table.
"Ollie are you ok?" Charlie says being aware and taking Ollie's body language seriously.
"Yea I'm fine sorry, not really hungry."
"Ollie there's no need to be sorry. We understand, god after all Nick had to deal with me and my eating disorder. Some nights I didn't even eat, I felt horrible just leaving Nick to eat by himself." Nick puts his arms around Charlie's waist, as Charlie tells Ollie more about his food journey.
"Right I'm not sure about you two but I would like to eat before this goes cold?" Nick changes the mood.
"Of course, is this pasta bake?" Charlie asks
"Yes Mon amour, there's also salad and garlic bread." Nick confirmed as this helps Charlie to ease his mind.
As everyone plates up their serve a rush of overwhelming pressure comes to Ollie's mind. "Please excuse me I'll be back."
"Are you ok, you normally love garlic bread?" Charlie's mentions.
Ollie gets up and leaves without saying anything.
"It's totally ok, Ollie take your time." Nick winks

"Char, are you ok?" Nick questions as he senses Charlie's energy has changed since Ollie left. "I dont know nick, did I say something wrong? I don't want Ollie going through what I went through with my ED. Everything that has happened within the last 15 minutes is exactly what I did, this is my fault." Charlie starts panicking and crying. "Charlie" "Char?" Nick knew what to do as he was getting response
Nick wraps his arms around Charlie "let go of me Nick!" "Look at me mon amour, you didn't say anything wrong and it is definitely not your fault please listen to me." "How about I go talk to Ollie and see what's happening?" Charlie's body relaxes. "Yes please that would be great thank you."
"Of course I love you" Nicks says as he kissed Charlie's head

*Ollies room*
Nick knocks on Ollie's door "hey Ollie it's nick can I come in please?"
Ollie catches his breath "yea doors open."
Nick sees Ollie's been crying "oh Ollie are you ok?"
"Yea I'm fine, my head got super loud when I saw the food. I'm sorry."
Nick hugs Ollie as this helped him to relax and feel safe.
"No need to be sorry, I am fully aware and prepared when it comes to anything food, ED etc after all I've been dating your brother for 5 years." They both laugh "Not saying it's a bad thing, I've been with him through everything."
"Thanks Nick for everything today I really appreciate it. I love you."
"Aww Ollie it's totally ok I'm here for you and I love you too."
They hug there in a comfortable silences for 5 minutes.
"Yea Ollie?"
"Can you sit with me while I have some dinner please?" "Course Ollie I would love to."
"Thanks Nick, are you able to put some salad and pasta bake on a plate for me please? About the same size as Charlie did when he was working on gaining more confidence when it came to food please? I'll be there soon."
"Of course Ollie, I'm proud of you for trying!"

*Back in the kitchen*
"I'm back Charlie, omg well done, I'm so proud of you." Nick notices that Charlie ate everything off his plate while Nick was gone.
"Thanks. How is he?" Charlie asks as Nick sits down. "He's ok just feeling overwhelmed. He'll be back soon." Nick assured Charlie.
"Are you hungry tonight? Why do you have a second plate with the portion of what I use to eat?"
"This is for Ollie he wants some food but not a big portion."
"You're amazing love I don't deserve you at all." Charlie compliments as he lays his head on Nicks shoulder.
"Thank you and yes you do deserve me. Without you I wouldn't know who I am or have a best friend who I can call mon amour." They kiss and embrace their moment.

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