Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie. Part 8

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15 minutes past
"I'm going to go to bed thanks for letting me stay here." Ollie said as he got up from his seat.
"You are more than welcome Ollie we love you. Let us know if you need anything ok." Charlie says as he holds his tears. "Thank you Charlie I love you so much." The two hug individually.
Ollie whispers in Nicks ear "Thank you so much for saving me today. I love you Uncle Nick."
"It's ok Oli I'm always here for you."
"Sleep well" The couple said in unison.

A few days pass. Tuesday 10:30am
"Morning you two how are you?" Ollie inquires his brothers.
"Good morning Ollie. I'm Well thanks." Nick said as they greet each other at the kitchen island.
"Hi Ollie, I'm making some breakfast smoothies would you like one?" Charlie ask
"Do you have lactose free milk?" Checking before he made his final decision "Oh shoot we don't Ollie, however we will get some. If you want to write a list of things you want we will get it." Charlie explained "Well I shouldn't have one but, Could I have a small one please like a quarter full?"
"Yes of course."
20 minutes later after catching up, and watching the tv with his brothers "Omg that was so good thanks Charlie."
"Most welcome I'm glad you liked it." Charlie takes Ollie glass to the kitchen, so he can wash the dishes before he continues his day.
"Nick why aren't you and Charlie at work today?"
"We have Tuesdays off as Charlie has appointments and we usually do jobs up the street like shopping together. We find Tuesdays work for us as I leave for rugby at 2:30 and don't come home until 9:30."
"Woah that's a big day of rugby Nick." Ollie was shocked by how long training goes for. "Well when you're a star rugby player you have to train 5/7 days a week and that's not including game day." Nick explained.
"I guess that makes sense."

Nick gently moves Charlie off of his lap, as they were watching tv but Charlie fell asleep. Nick did this so he could be organised before running out the door for training.

10 minutes later Nick finds Ollie on his find in his room. "Knock knock, hey Ollie I was just about to head to the shops to get a few things for rugby, have you made a list of things you want?"
"Oh hi Nick. Yea it's here you don't need to get everything but the ones with the stars are important."
Ollie's list
*lactose free milk
Fruit- berries, bananas
Snacks- roll ups, oat bars
Chicken tenders

"Thanks Ollie I should be able to get everything, as it's similar to Charlie's safe foods as well as what I get for rugby. I'll be back later just before lunch ok" Nick was surprised as the items on Ollie's list was what was on the shopping list already, he thought it must be a Spring thing.
"Thanks Nick I appreciate whatever you get, see you later." Ollie says as Nick leaves his room.
"Hey Char bear. I'm just going to the shop to get a few things. I'll be right back just before lunch time ok sweetheart, Ollie is here as well. " Nick kissed Charlie's head before leaving.
"Mm" Charlie acknowledge
Nick left and returned to the house within 15 minutes just before lunch. On Tuesdays well really any days that the couple were home together. They would try their best to keep meals round the same time, this helped Charlie in the early stages of working his appetite up. It's just apart of their lives as it just stuck.
"I'm home" Nick stated being aware Charlie may have still been asleep.
"Mm hi Nicky" Charlie said softly as he was still waking up from his nap. Nick went over to Charlie and wraped his arms around his waist. "Hey baby, how'd you sleep?"
"It was ok same as any nap I take." Charlie slowly turned around so he was facing Nick so they could kiss.
"We have about 20 minutes before lunch, what would you like?" Nick mentioned and prepared charlie. "Could we have chicken tenders please? I'll just have-" Charlie was cut off by Nick knowing what was coming. " 3 like always?" "Yes please I love you" "I love you too mon amour. I'm just going to ask Ollie if he wants any."
"Hey Ollie, lunch is in about 15 minutes. We're having chicken tenders. Would you like any?"
"Yes please Nick can I have 3 please?" "Yes of course. I'll let you know when it's ready." Nick shocked on how similar the Spring brothers were. He prepared lunch in the air fryer at 200°c for 15 minutes. before he knew it lunch was ready, he called the Spring bothers In by saying, "Ollie Charlie lunch is ready" Nick shouted so everyone knew to come to the kitchen.
"Thank you Nicky" Charlie said before kissing nick.
"Theses look so good, can I have some tomato sauce please?" "Of course Ollie!" Nick went over to the fridge and hand Ollie the sauce.
"Thank you Nick"
15 minutes pass and everyone had finished their lunch.
"Can I can your plates Charlie and Nick?" Ollie offered "sure I guess" Charlie was hesitant about Ollie taking the plates as he knew he needed to wash them. "Charlie it's ok you can wash the plates I understand. I just wanted to take them to the sink cause I was getting up." Ollie reassured him. "Oh sorry Ollie yes you can thank you."
Nick hands Ollie their plates and placed them in the sink. "Thank you for lunch Nick I appreciate it, I'm heading back to my room now if you need me." Ollie announced. "Anytime Ollie, I hope you have a good rest of your day, as I'll be going to training shortly. Let me know if you need anything ok." Nick answered knowing what was happening this afternoon.

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