Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie. Part 10

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TW: mention of ED, panic attack & crying.

Right as the second movie finished Ollie told Charlie he was going to make some dinner. It was about 7:30 "Charlie are you ok with pasta for dinner?" "Yes of course. Thank you so much for wanting to cook." "It's ok I like cooking, do I need to make some for Nick?" Ollie asked as he didn't know what the couple did food wise when Nick had training. "You can if you want to but some nights he goes out after training and has dinner with his team. I'm not sure what he will do tonight as it's the first training since you've been here."

Charlie said so Ollie knew how much to cook and get the plates and forks out. "Ok thanks Charlie, would you like cheese on your pasta?" "Umm sure why not, just not to much I'm still working towards that goal." "Totally ok Charlie, I'll grate enough for all 3 of us and you can add what you want." Ollie responded

10 minutes Charlie joins Ollie at the kitchen table as he finishes serving dinner.
"This looks wonderful Ollie, thank you for cooking again it's really appreciated." "Not a problem at all happy to help when and how I can." Ollie says as he sits down. The two take their time while enjoying the afternoon with one another. Next minute they both hear the front door open.
"Charlie who is here? It can't be nick as he told me he gets home around 9 or 9:30. I'm scared"
"It's ok Ollie nothing to worry about trust me." "What how can you not be worried that your front door has opened without you knowing who it is." At this point Ollie is having a panic attack.
"Ollie it's ok just breathe give him 2 minutes and he will be here with us ok." Charlie tried to reassured Ollie. Ollies panic attack continues and increases.

Nick runs into the kitchen to see Charlie trying to comfort Ollie. Charlie gave Nick a signal for help as he didn't know what to do. "Ollie it's Nick you're ok, I'm sorry for scaring you. Can I have your hands please." Nick starts drawing circles on Ollie's hands. "I came early as I didn't want to go out with the team for dinner. You're ok and safe. I love you"
Ollie slowly calms down and hugs Nick. "It's ok Nick I don't know why I reacted like that it was silly." Ollie said as he got himself to relax. "When I usually come home Charlie's always asleep, so I didn't want to be loud just incase Char or yourself were asleep." Nick. Says as he hugged Ollie "That makes sense. I made dinner, yours is in the microwave, there's also cheese if you want some." "Thank you Ollie really appreciate that didn't expect to come home to dinner being made. We will have to do some cooking together like we use too when your brother and I started going out." Nick says as he got his food. "Oh that would be amazing Nick"

Nick joins the two at the table while they eat. "Look Nick I have cheese on my pasta, it's a bit hard to see as I've eaten most of it. But I'm. Eating it." "Aww love I'm so proud of you, good job." Nick praises his boyfriend and kisses him. "Thanks Nick" Charlie smiles as he continues to eat.

It's around 8:30pm and Charlie's starting to feel tired. He washes the dishes and then sits in the living room with Nick and Ollie for a bit as they watch tv. Nick notices Charlie's eyes look tired and his body language. "Baby you need to go to bed we both know happens when you're tired." Charlie's starts getting upset. "I don't want to go to bed." At this point Charlie is crying. "Charlie love, it's ok you don't need to cry.  Let me help you get ready, would you like me to carry you to our room?" Nick says as he wipes Charlie's tears. Charlie nods his head. "Alright my love let's go to bed, Ollie I won't be too long feel free to stay here, I'll be back ok." He says as he picks Charlie up and places him on his hip. "It's ok Nick take your time, I'm going to stay and finish this movie."
Nick and Charlie head to their bedroom.

"Right my Char, would you like to get changed or just go to bed?" Nick says softly to Charlie. He doesn't get a response "Char I'm going to assume you just want to go to bed, can I have your phone please?" In an almost inaudible tone "back pocket" comes from Charlie. "Thank you."

Nick lays Charlie down and tucks him in. Nick kisses Charlie good night "I love you, you know what to do if you need me ok. You phone is on the bedside cupboard charging."

Nick is at the door when charlie starts crying and says "don't leave please me." Nick has a feeling where the next few hours were heading. "Ok my love." Nick lays down with him and prepares himself for anything that may occur.

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