Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie last part.

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TW: mentions of PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, Ed & V@pe.

The next day everyone was in the kitchen finishing up dinner while they were catching about their days. Charlie quickly cleaned the dishes as both Nick and himself wanted to bring up the idea of a therapist.
"Thanks for dinner it was very nice." Ollie said as he got up "Ollie can you stay for a minute we want to ask you a question" Nick mentioned "yeah of course, can we sit in the living room?" "Yes let's do that" Charlie agreed with the idea.

"So myself and Charlie were thinking it might be beneficial for you to see a therapist, so you can get the help that we may not be able to give." Ollie breathed in and shakily answered "Yea" "We will be right here to support you however you need it. We won't force you to go. This is what we could think of, so you can get the help you need." Charlie said making sure Ollie felt safe and supported by his brother figures. "Yea I would like that please, Nick & Charlie thank you." Ollie hugged them each before sitting down again. "All good, I will ring my therapist to see if he can help with at least the first appointment and then he can figure the rest out."

Charlie pulled his phone it to make a note for tomorrows list of things to do. "Another thing we were thinking of Ollie was how did you want the appointment to be, we could all be in the room, it could be 1 on 1 or whatever you want." Nick suggested "um well I'm not sure what do you think." "Honestly knowing my therapist he would probably want to meet with all of us at first then possibly talk to all of us 1 one 1 or just Ollie and then bring us all together at the end.  But I'm not sure anything could happen." Charlie went through the possible process that may occur however won't know until the day. "I like that plan Charlie. Thank you so much I love you both."

"I'm going to head to bed as I didn't sleep well at all last night." "Ok Charlie, goodnight" "night char are you ok by yourself or want me to come with you?" "I'm good, don't worry about me you stay here with Ollie as I ruined your movie last night. I love you." Charlie said as he bent down to kiss nick. "I love you too" nick wrapped his arms round Charlie for a hug.

As Charlie was heading out of the living area Ollie stoped him. "Charlie?" "Yes Ollie" "i just wanted you to know that you didn't ruin my movie night with Nick. I know how important to make sure your mental health is. I know that Nick will drop whatever he is doing to make sure you're ok, that's what you do when you love someone. I love you Charlie." Charlie was in happy tears after hearing what his little brother said and Charlie immediately hugged him "aww ollie you're amazing I love you."

Time skip to a week later

Today was the day that the Spring-Nelson's appointment had been booked for in order to help Ollie and he could feel supported. "Is everyone ready?" Nick shouted from the front door as he didn't know where the others were. "Yea I'm ready" ollie replied as he walked towards nick. "Char are you good?" Nick asked again no reply. Few minutes pass Nick was about to call out to Charlie again but didn't need to as Charlie was running around the corner "hey sorry I couldn't find the other shoe I wanted, so I hand to change my whole outfit and th-" "baby it's ok you don't need to explain I understand and for the record you always look hot whatever you're wearing" "NICK NOT IN FRONT OF MY BROTHER PLEASE" at this Nick and Ollie were laughing as they both knew Charlie was super embarrassed. "Can we please go?" Charlie asked trying to change the topic "of course my love let's go."

The car journey was quiet but it was to be expected as they didn't know what would happen. Once they arrived they went into the building and Charlie checked them in. About 3 minutes later Geoff called them in and asked a few general questions before getting into anything heavier.
"So I'm going to ask Nick & Charlie to step out of the room for a few minutes so we can talk about some things. Is that ok?" Geoff explained and everyone agreed. Geoff asked Nick and Charlie to wait in the waiting room until he came to get them.
"So Ollie Charlie said that a few things have occurred and you're wanting help, could you please explain?"
"Um yea sure" Ollie shakily replied as he collected his thoughts.
"It's ok take your time there's no rush." Geoff assured Ollie which Ollie liked as he didn't want to rush.
"So basically a few months back I was getting bullied at school and people were making mean comments about how I was related to Charlie and everything" "mm, keep going" Geoff said as he took notes "it kinda got to a point that it was getting way to much for me. I start S.H which was ok but when it got really bad, I knew someone who sold me a v@pe, looking back it was  very bad I shouldn't have used it but I didn't as that was the only thing that could help me manage and calm my thoughts." "Do you still v@pe now?" Geoff queried as he knew how to break this habit "oh no I stopped the day I rung Nick and asked if I could stay with them. That was like 2 or 3 weeks ago something like that." "Fantastic work Ollie"

they kept talking for about 45 minutes which was then when Geoff called Nick and Charlie back in, so they knew how to move forward.
"So after chatting with Ollie, I found a few key things that you may have, we would need to go through testing if you want definitive answers, however from the bullying you experienced I would say there's some trauma. With that from what you said about living at home before Nick and Charlie's I would also say there might be some PTSD." Ollie looked down as he felt Charlie looking at him. Charlie was holding Nick's hand as Geoff mentioned more "I don't think you have an Ed not to the extent of what I've seen but you are under for your age and height. Charlie I am not referring to you I promise, but on a positive note both Nick and Charlie have helped you. And if I'm right Charlie have you gained for confidence since Ollie's been at yours?" "Yes Geoff that is correct." Charlie confirmed the question. "One last thing with the trauma and PTSD I would expect anxiety and depression as it's known to come hand in hand and yes you have ticked some boxes not all but some so I would recommend some testing." Geoff started to explain on the processes and support that Nick and Charlie can do. Although Nick has had training in the things Geoff is listing it has been a few years since so anything could have changed, new information etc.
Geoff made Ollie another appointment for a week later and said if he needs to been seen sooner or whatever the situation is he can call.

The three boys walked out of the office and back to the car 
"How are you feeling Ollie" Nick asked as they sat in the car for a while, as this is what Nick and Charlie did after his appointments in the past. "Yeah I'm feeling ok a lot of information but it was good to talk to someone not saying you two aren't good but I can talk to someone who isn't family you know?" "Yes I totally understand Ollie, that's how I felt when I first had therapy and I felt like I couldn't talk to Nick but I guess over time it's just become easier." "Yea that make sense." Ollie paused for a moment before speaking "Uncle Nick Charlie?"
"Yes Ollie" the two said in Sync "could we go out for dinner please?" Ollie asked as he thought it would be nice. The two looked at each other as Nick knew it was up to Charlie and Charlie smiled. "Of course we can Ollie what would you like?" Charlie said. "How about pizza is that ok?" Ollie suggested "sure is Ollie" Charlie smiled as he was ready to challenge himself "I think it's around the corner here" Nick said while looking around the map on his phone.

After dinner everyone arrived at home and was ready for bed. Ollie came to hug them both "thank you so much for what you have done for me within this last month. I really appreciate it, it means so much I love you both Uncle Nick and Charlie love you so much." They stayed there for a few minutes embracing their bond and everything that has happened. Nick was so proud of Charlie having the courage to order his pizza, eating half of it and sitting in the restaurant. However both Nick and Charlie were proud of Ollie of seeing how far he has come within the last month. They see a very positive future ahead.

✨That's the end of This story. I hopes you enjoyed it. Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I planned however sometimes life takes over and you need to put things on pause.✨

Thank you so much for reading I really appreciate the support. A new story will be out soon, just finishing some final things. With that said I probably I won't be uploading much on to tiktok, as it's too time consuming and I'm really loving being able to write in depth and explore different details.

Thanks for reading, K

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