Ollie moves in with Nick & Charlie. Part 4

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Charlie unlocks the front door and walks through "I'm home!" In a loud voice making sure Nick can hear him wherever Nick may be in the house.
"Hi babe" in a warm soft voice Nick states, before kissing Charlie on the cheek. "How was your day?" Nick inquired. "It was alright I guess just same old same old, nothing new happened. How about yours?" Said Charlie. "Umm yea" Nick didn't know how to get the words out. "Nick, come on you can talk to me. "  Charlie reassured Nick. "Yeah sorry I know, today was an interesting day." Nick gulped down his nerves preparing what he was going to say. "Yea how so?" Charlie questioned. "Come sit, can I get you a drink?" Nick told Charlie. "Sure" Charlie happily taking Nicks offer. "Water?" Nick asked knowing Charlie would say "Yes please"

*In the living room, After nick gets drinks he brings them over*

"Ok Char what I'm going to tell you, you can't go all crazy and start to panic please just hear me out." Nick asked him.
"Nick you're scaring me and please don't tell me you are using drugs otherwise I'm out of here ok?" Charlie staring to panic.
"Charlie I would never you know me." Nick calmly reassured Charlie before continuing.
"Sorry, what were you going to say." Charlie acknowledged what Nick was saying. "So today Ollie rang me asking for help, so of course I did. I went around yours as he asked to be picked up."
"Ok?"Nick could see the confusion growing on Charlie's face. "Let me finish please, when I arrived he was having a panic attack, so of course I went straight to his room and comforted him. About 15 minutes later he asked if he could stay here with us as he needs some space from home and needs some support. Without second guessing, I said he could. He is here now, taking a shower. Please be gentle on him." Nick politely admitted. Charlie crying. Nick quickly brings charlie into his arms for a hug and reassures him "Hey it's ok, how are you feeling, what are you thinking?"

Not long after their 10 minute hug charlie pulls himself together to answer nicks questions; "I'm ok, I guess just mostly shocked but not outrageous surprised. Hopefully he can open up to me so I can support him as well. Thank you for answering his call and being his safe person. I know he finds it hard to open up to me so thank you for being there for him." Appreciatively thanking him of everything he had down for Ollie today. "Anytime Char, just doing what I can to be another brother figure for him, after all the shit I went through with David. I've always wanted a younger sibling to be there for them. So it's the least I can do."

Charlie snuggles into the left side of nick as he gets comfortable on the couch and before nick putting the tv on to watch a comfort show.

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