A stuck in time

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The Season opens with a shot of the sky of Blood Gulch back in the Halo 1 engine but it glitches out a bit and a reflection of church can be seen. Donut's voice can be heard 

DONUT: (Voiceover) Private Donut, reporting for duty sir! Ready to fight some Aliens!

GRIF: (Voiceover) Couple things here Rookie. First off, "Private Donut?" I think somebody needs a new nickname. Secondly, What's with the armor color?

ALEX:(Voiceover) The only Aliens we fight are the blues.

DONUT: (Voiceover) This IS the standard issue red.

Cut to the top of Red Base. Grif  Alex and Simmons are talking to Donut, who is wearing an armor color identical to Sarge's.

GRIF: There's only two types of people who wear standard issue armor; Officers and uh... the uh-

DONUT: Really trustworthy and likable people?

ALEX: This uhh feels familiar.

SIMMONS: Hey! I'm the suck-up around here, don't step on my territory.

ALEX: You are a kiss ass. Why did I need to say that.

DONUT: I'm sorry sir, It won't happen again.

SIMMONS: What. did. I. just. say.

Simmons notices Grif has gone quiet and turns to him.

SIMMONS: Hey Grif, you ok?

GRIF: Yeah, I just-I got the weirdest sense of déjà vu.. again. Why does this keep happening?

SIMMONS: I keep getting it too. Man, I bet the blues never have to put up with this.

DONUT: I didn't feel anything.

GRIF: Nobody asked you.

Cut to Blue Team, consisting of Tucker, Caboose, and the soldier resembling Church. They are standing around, admiring the tank

TUCKER You know what, forget what I said before, We can definitely pick up chicks in this thing. Probably two or three-

"CHURCH" (at the same time as Tucker) Probably two or three chicks a piece, yes your heterosexuality has been noted Tucker.

TUCKER: Man, what's your deal Church? You've been acting like a real asshole today.

"CHURCH:" Yeah well, can you remember a time I haven't been an asshole?

TUCKER: Good point.

"CHURCH:" See? There you go, you... dummy.

CABOOSE: Sounds like good ol' fashioned Church to me!

TUCKER: Shut up Rookie, you just got here, and we don't need any suck-ups like that maroon guy over on Red Team.

CABOOSE: Ah, sorry sir!

TUCKER: (quickly) What did I just say?!

"CHURCH:" (angrily) Both of you shut up! Caboose, why don't you head inside and stand next to the flag, we are expecting a General to visit today. Make sure to give him whatever he wants.


"CHURCH:" (impatiently) Just do it Caboose!

CABOOSE: Yes sir.

Caboose walks into the base

TUCKER: Hey Church?

"CHURCH:" (to himself) for the love of- (to Tucker, angrily) What Tucker?

red Vs blue singularity male ocWhere stories live. Discover now