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Donut and Will continues to fall through the time vortex after leaving Chrovos' prison.

DONUT: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh... (gasp) What? What– what's happening to me?

WILL: Finally you stoped screaming.

In front of him, a window into a past reality opens up, showing a view of Valhalla. Momentarily, the image shifts to show Caboose standing in the canyon.

DONUT: Was that... Valhalla? Hey! Caboose!

CABOOSE: Uhhh, pink.

The window vanishes again.

DONUT: Am I just seeing things as I name them? Uh... Wash with a beard! Canadian Lopez!

Another window opens, first showing Agent Washington on Iris, and then Lopez 2.0 in the Mantis' body on Chorus.

DONUT: Wait a minute, I remember this! These are memories! Okay, focus, Donut. Time's happening all at once. Just gotta concentrate on one memory and stay there. A strong memory. Think, Donut, think...

WILL: Pick a memory with me in it!

We cut to Donut in Valhalla, the moment he was shot by Washington. He collapses.


WILL: Why did you pick this memory!

DONUT: (pained) I don't know.

SIMMONS: DONUT, NOOOO! Donut, Donut are you okay? Come on, breathe, Donut! Breathe! Why did you do that!? What's wrong with you!?

SOUTH: What the fuck is wrong with you Wash why did you shot him!

DONUT: It's okay. I'll just focus myself on some other memory.

WILL: Please pick another.

Time rewinds back to the moment Donut was shot. He collapses again, the events playing out exactly the same.


WILL: Seriously again!


DONUT: Still... getting the hang of it...


Time rewinds and the scene plays out again.

DONUT: Oh, come on.

WILL: Seriously!


The scene jumps to Temple's lair, many years later, while Doc is explaining the Blues and Reds to Simmons, Tucker, Donut, Will Dylan and Jax.

DOC: –they are the Fruit Loops, and you are just the "Generic Brand Sugar Rings".

Donut and Will jumps into there bodies, and immediately Donut doubles over in pain, groaning.

DOC: Donut? You okay?

WILL: He'll be fine.

DONUT: Just... a little... hemorrhage. (moans)

DOC: You have internal bleeding!?

DONUT: Blood's meant to be internal, right? So no biggie!

DOC: There's no bigger biggie! This is the biggest biggie that ever bigged!

DONUT: (standing up) Anyway, haha. Doc, that– that was a great thing, situation, or– and/or activity you were talking about.

red Vs blue singularity male ocWhere stories live. Discover now