Breaching the Tours

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The episode starts back at Chrovos' prison. They are still laughing at Donut and Washington's expense.

CHROVOS: Boys, you cracked my case. (Another crack appears on the forcefield)Cracked it more I should say.


WILL: Crap!

CHROVOS: (chuckling) But alas, your hubris has-

WASHINGTON: You know, you use a lot of fancy words for a Jailbird. (To Donut) We need to go.

DONUT: What?

WASHINGTON: (Indicates to Time Door) That's the past, right?

DONUT: Well yeah, but-

Washington moves towards the door.

DONUT: W-w-wait!


DONUT: (To himself) Leaders, I swear to gosh.

Washington has disappeared through the door, Donut is running after him.

DONUT: We should talk about this!

Inside the vortex, Wash is flailing about and screaming while Donut flies after him.


DONUT: Wash, it's okay! Focus on a memory.

WILL: Stop screaming it's useless also pick one with Donut and me in it.


DONUT: This is every memory you've ever had at all at once. Focus on one where we are both there ok? And, uh, tell me which one you think of because I don't know how to follow yo-

Cut to yet again, the moment Wash shoots Donut. Donut collapses to the floor.

WASHINGTON: Oh no, I am so sorry!

WILL: Why do we end up here every time!

DONUT: (strained) Remember further back, further!

They both go back to moments before Wash shoots Donut, but after he shot Lopez. Wash manages to stop himself this time.

DONUT: Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

WILL: Wash we don't need to do this again!

WASHINGTON: I-I'm not going to!

SIMMONS: You shot Lopez! What the hell man?

SOUTH: What the hell is going on!

DONUT: Oh no. Uh, it's okay Simmons,  South Wash uh, had to shoot Lopez. Right Wash? Lopez was uh-

BOTH: Uhhhhhhh Um


WILL: Sent to uhh spy on us.

SIMMONS: Of course he is a fucking robot, why did you shoot him?

WASHINGTON: Uh, an evil robot!

SIMMONS: Yeah I know, he's the worst, but that still doesn't-

SOUTH: What is up with the three of you.

WASHINGTON: You know what, just shut up Simmons.


DONUT: Ok Wash, welcome to the Everwhen. (Eagle screeching) I guess when we travel together, we end up at the same place! Neat.

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