Self-Fulfilling Odyssey

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Genkins: (voiceover) Let's see now.

Genkins is in the Everwhen Vortex looking through various time periods of the Reds and Blues. He appears dissatisfied with everything he is seeing. It first stops on the Reds and Blues on Sidewinder

Genkins: Hmmm, no.

It now shows Church with Sheila.

Genkins: No.

It now shows Epsilon with Carolina.

Genkins: (quickly) No,no,no,no!

Reds and Blues on Chorus under attack from the Space Pirates.

Genkins: Too fast-

Epsilon-Tex beating up Epsilon Church with his old monitor body.

Genkins: -too furious!

Donut getting crushed by Sister's Pelican.

Genkins: Donut gets trapped under a heavy object. (reluctant grunt) Sure, why not. Actually just one more time.

Memory of Donut getting crushed plays again.

Genkins: (laughter) Never gets old.

Genkins settles on travelling to this time. He once again possess the body of Church. He starts off standing next to Sheila.

Genkins: Sheila, stay here, if anyone moves, shoot them.

Genkins walks off to the base. Meanwhile, Donut is hiding behind rocks spying on the blues with Sarge, waiting for his cue to get crushed. He is also anxiously waiting the arrival of Washington.

Donut: Ugh, why the heck is Wash taking so long?

Donut sees Church, unaware of his possession by Genkins, going to the base.

Donut: Welp, there's my cue to get trapped under Sister's Pelican! Lucky me!

Donut moves into positon while Sarge watches on.

Sarge: Donut, get back here. Wait for the ship!

Donut: (quietly, quickly) Exhale on impact, Exhale on impact, Exhale on impact, Oh god I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life.

Genkins, unaware the Donut behind him is actually the one from the present, turns around and throws a frag at Donut, landing at his feet.

Genkins: Think fast!

Donut: Grenade?!

Donut runs back narrowly avoiding the explosion.

Genkins: Uh, my grenade slipped. Also my grenade pin. (to himself) And so by saving Donut...

The pelican crashes where the explosion was, missing Donut.

Genkins: ...I doom him. (laughter)

Donut: (Stepping out from behind the Pelican) Holy Baloney!

Genkins: Ugh, so unsatisfying. Wait, Sarge is waiting for reinforcements, Tucker just gave birth to Junior and Donut is meant to be crushed by the Pelican, so I'm in the right place, but I didn't make an alternate reality. WHERE IS MY ALTERNATE REALITY?

Donut: What the... There was never a grenade! But that means...

Donut: YOU!

Genkins: YOU!

red Vs blue singularity male ocWhere stories live. Discover now