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Episode opens with Huggins at the beginning of time staring at the giant ball of energy.

HUGGINS: That's a big uhh... Is this the heart of a black hole? Hard to belive one of these things killed my, it has a heart? Can a black hole love?

Huggins' Mother flies into view.

HUGGINS' MOTHER: No, Dear. That's just the Big Bang.

HUGGINS: (Gasps)

HUGGINS' MOTHER: Pre-Bang, obviously-


HUGGINS' MOTHER: Mom? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time!

Huggins' Father drifts over.

HUGGINS FATHER: (Laughing) Sharp!


HUGGINS' FATHER: Please, "Dad" was my father's name! Call me Gerald!


HUGGINS: Oh noooo, I'm dead aren't I?

HUGGINS MOTHER: What? Sweetie, we can't die. Light is information and cannot be destroyed.

HUGGINS: Yes! Knew it!

HUGGINS' MOTHER: Black holes are like, drains that feed the cosmos all the way back to here. It lets the universe umm...loop.

HUGGINS: Whooooaaa...

GERALD: Whoa,don't blow the kid's mind, Cheryl!

CHERYL: Oh sweetie,I didn't blow your mind, did I?


GERALD: Where's your brother? He should be here.

HUGGINS: Muggins? I dunno. One of the Cosmic Powers trapped me here! Remember those guys?

GERALD: ...Nope! Maybe he's just late!

CHERYL: Late? The whole universe should be in here! Oh, maybe there's a blockage in the timeline. Gerald, would that do it?

GERALD: Oh ho ho, yeah that'd do it!

CHERYL: Huggins, you should really check on Muggins.

HUGGINS: Fiiiiine! How?

CHERYL: Just fly at full speed.

GERALD: Close to full speed. Otherwise you'll overshoot.

HUGGINS: Uuuuuh what?

CHERYL: At lightspeed, you don't experience time. So fly close to light speed and time will accelerate. You can watch galaxies bloom and fade in real time, it's really nice.

GERALD: And Hugs, if there's a blockage in the timeline, you'll get stuck like a spider's web. D'ya know where that might be? Can you think of any paradoxes you might have stirred up?

HUGGINS: No I...uh oh...OOOOHH! !


HUGGINS: Okay! Mom, Dad, I gotta go! I know where that paradox is! Something's crazy wrong!

GERALD: Darn tootin' ! Muggins ain't here!

CHERYL: When's your brother getting here, Huggins?

Huggins starts flying away.

HUGGINS: Okay, Goodbye!

CHERYL: So long! Have fun!

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