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Fade into Crash Site Bravo

Past-Locus: Surrender now...and I promise only to kill the mercenary.

Past-Grif: Oh yeah? You and what army?

Past-Locus: The Federal Army of Chorus

The Federal Soldiers begin to de-cloak

Tucker: Alright, what's different? Locus is with the Feds, Felix is acting all "good guy", and Freckles is fighting-

A missile comes out of nowhere and takes out a group of Fed soldiers

Dos.0[Genkins]: Cómo se dice "Engaging-o target-as"

Past-Sarge: Great shot, Dos.0!

Past-Alex: So he's not useless

Tucker: What?! That's not right!

Past-Wash: Get to cover!

Past-Felix: I thought that thing was malfunctioning.

Tucker: It's supposed to be!

Tucker runs up to Past-Wash

Past-Wash: Let's give our bots some backup!

Past-South: On it!

Dos.0[Genkins]: (Maniacal laughter)

Dos.0 destroys more Fed soldiers and a Warthog.

Past-Locus: Target those drones!

Tucker: We're gonna win...?

Past-Wash: That's the spirit. Keep pushing.

Past-Delta: There is a 90 percent chance of victory.

Tucker: Come on, think Tucker. How did we stop Dos.0 last time?

Past-Grif: Donut, toss me more future cubes!

Tucker: That's right! It was... Donut?

Past-Donut: Yeah! (Laughs) Who else wants a taste of the Big D?!

Dos.0 continues to take out Fed soldiers.

Tucker: (sighs) Sorry everybody...

Tucker grabs a future cube and runs away.

Past-Grif: Hey, where are you going?

Tucker runs up to Dos.0

Tucker: Genkins!

Dos.0[Genkins]: Que? No! How do you people keep finding me?!

Dos.0 fires a rocket at Tucker.

Past-Wash: Tucker!

Past-Ava: Damnit!

Past-Felix: What the fuck is your robot doing?!

The smoke from the Rocket disappears and Tucker stands unharmed.

Tucker: Gods can't hurt a Shisno, Genkins. And your accent is shit.

Tucker throws the future cube at Dos.0's feet and traps him inside. Tucker runs away.

Past-Wash: What're you doing?

Past-Simmons: They're pushing back!

Past-South: We can't hold them off.

Past-Felix: Our left flank is completely open!

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