Part 1

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Chapter one:

I'm different. We all are different. Being different can be taking as a new fashion statement in society but my kind of different can never be accepted in society. I'm too different. I'm like a disease. No one would dare to walk up to me and start a conversation because what they think of me is far beyond than what I actually am. They all believe I'm a monster despite me having an innocent personality.

I took my first breath of the day. Reminding myself that yesterday is a different day and today will also be a different day. I don't want to remember whatever happened in the past. All I need to focus on is the present.

I put on a white dress that reached to my knees and I put on a navy blue cardigan on top of it. I always liked cardigans. They always felt comfortable to wear. I wore all of that with a pair of my black converse shoes and just to top everything off I decided to put on my dream catcher necklace.

I walked out. Out to face this world that is too cruel for me. I watched their eyes. All of their eyes dart at me as I walked. I just paced faster and tried to ignore that voice that's telling me "Why don't you break down in tears like you always do" but I'm learning to ignore that voice that voice is very evil and it makes you do bad things to yourself. I kept walking till I reached the old abandoned building I always go to. I honestly didn't care if anyone followed me to the building. I mean who would follow a monster to its own lair? This is one of the only places I feel safe. My apartment isn't as safe as this place. In my apartment people barely look at me and this building is just like my apartment only bigger. The only difference is the view from here. In my apartment, even when I paid the landlord a lot of money for the best quality room. He always gave others better rooms, but I didn't blame him anyways. I couldn't be trusted because I'm a monster. That's all I am to people. A monster. Even when I didn't do anything to them. I'll always stay monster to them.

I sat there staring and examining the texture and feathers on my dream catcher necklace and I thought "Birds are like people" Every one always fall for the arrogant and cocky one, or the one with brighter colors. I can't stand it. All of this. All these people who have learned to fear me for who I am. Those people who fear me soon teach their children to fear me, and so it goes. The whole world fears me.

Fear. Fear teaches you many things, but fear leads to anxiety. I am an anxiety train wreck. I fear society. I fear I'll be completely lonely despite having 7 billion people on Earth. I fear society will consume me and destroy me till I'm nothing but a memory no one would bother thinking about, or a nightmare too horrible that no one would dare to remember.

Why am I so different? Isn't being different supposed to be healthy? Is it wrong that I was born with platinum hair and turquoise eyes. I never asked to be born feared by everyone around me.

But there is one thing I did ask for. I asked for people to leave me and let me do whatever I wanted. I created my own story and I'll create my own ending. I am different and I accept it. I don't want to hide it anymore.

Yesterday is a different day
Today will be a different day

I removed my blue cardigan and raced to go to the roof of the building "I'm different and I'm proud" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
I ran across the roof until I reached to the very edge of it.
That's when I did it
I spread my wings and began to fly

-Authors Note-

This is a new fanfic I'm writing and just so you guys know
At first this won't seem like it's a fanfic but in the end it'll end up being a fanfic
Yes I'm pretty sure it'll be hard to keep up with this and my other fanfic "Fangs" but I might as well try to
Hope you enjoyed this chapter
I look forward to writing more chapters 🌚🌚

XO Latifa

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