The Klyn

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Ruby was being brought with the rest of them for endangerment to life and destruction of property. Ruby saw Corpsman Dey talking to Quill,but ignored their conversation.
Nova prime is also having a meeting with the kree ambassador about Ronan destroying Xandarian outposts,which ended. And then afterwards, they started talking about us. Corpsman Dey says,"Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."
"Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."
Denarian Saal said,"What the he**?"
referring to Groot.
Corpsman Dey continues,"They call it Groot. A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant slash muscle."
"Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta."
Peter winds up his middle finger and flips the bird at them. He said,"Oh i'm sorry. I didn't know how this mchine worked. "
"Subject 89V43. Also known as Ruby,calls itself Tink, also the result of illegal and cybernetic enhancements,but on an unknown lifeform and species. It is the deadliest being in the galaxy and is an assasin for hire,bounty hunter and thief."
"Subject 89K15. Also known as Amber,calls itself Peri,also the result of illegal and cybernetic enhancements,also on an unknown life firm and species,is 89V43's partner in crime."
Ruby frowned at this statement. They weren't just partners,they were sisters.
"What a bunch of A-holes. Transport all 6 to the Kyln."
As they were walked by the Nova Corps and in handcuffs,Rocket was rambling away and Ruby was annoyed.
"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons, this one's no different. You're lucky the broad showed up, because otherwise, me , Groot,Tink and Peri would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers."Rocket said.
Peter replied,"I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree, a talking raccoon and two talking cats that are about the same height as the raccoon."
"Thanks for pointing that out,genius."Ruby said sarcastically.
"Ur welcome."
"I was being sarcastic,you idiot!"
Rocket then asked Quill,"What's a raccoon?"
" Whats a raccoon? Its what you are stupid!"
Ruby felt a little bit angry. Sure,Quill was right about his species,but he didn't need to call Rocket stupid.
Rocket replied,"Ain't no thing like me,'cept me."
Quill then askes,"So, this orb has a real shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?"
"I am Groot."
"So what? What's the Orb?"
Gamora replies,"I have no words for an honourless thief."
Ruby replies Quill,"Something dangerous that you shouldn't have."
Rocket said to Gamora,"Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac."Gamora looked at Rocket. Rocket continued," Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone knows who you are."
Peter said,"Yeah,we know who you are. Then he asks,"Who is she?"
Ruby replied,"She's Gamora,the deadliest woman in the galaxy. You made a big mistake talking to her and showing her the orb back there."
Peter then asked,"How did you know?"
"You are in the public area. Anyone could have seen,including me."
Groot said,"I am Groot."
"I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan, I was betraying him. I had an agreement to sell it to a third party."Gamora said. Which prompted Ruby to ask,"And who is this third party?",narrowing her eyes.
"I have no words for a pussy."
Ruby growled,muttering ,"Why you little-"
After a while, they started talking about Groot's vocabulary,which was boring to listen to,but Amber whispered to Ruby," I will tell you something later." Ruby nodded her head. She was sorted to go into the showers,where the orange water was disgusting. She was given yellow prison clothes,which she rolled up into a yellow sash, wishing she could have her boots back.
Then,some of the prisoners started yelling at Gamora.
"Coming for you first,Gamora!"
"You're dead!"
"You're scum! You're scum!"
Rocket said,"It's like I said, she's got a rep. A lot of prisoners here have lost their families to Ronan and his goons. She'll last a day, tops." Then Quill spoke,"The guards will protect her,right?" Ruby rolled her eyes and thought,this idiot. Has he not been in prison before? Its obvious they don't care.
Lucklily Rocket voiced out some of her thoughts for her unknowingly,"They're here to stop us from getting out. They don't care what we do to each other inside."
"Whatever nightmares the future holds, are dreams compared to what's behind me." Gamora said. Ruby smiled bittersweetly at her,feeling remorseful for what she said earlier. Then, a prisoner came up to Quill and said,"Check out the new meat. I'm gonna slaughter you up in Gunavian jelly, and go to town-"but was interrupted by Rocket. Rocket yelled,"Let's make something clear. This one here is our booty! You wanna get to him, you go through us! Or, more accurately, we go through you.",as Groot was making the prisoner's nose bleed profusely by inserting his branches into his nose. Ruby and Amber winced as Amber muttered,"That's gotta hurt." Ruby thought,same here
Afterwards Ruby and Gamora had seperate cells for high level threats,while Amber was one the lower floor with the moderate level threats. And all the guys consisting of Quill,Rocket and Groot all sleep together. At least they have each other,Ruby thought to herself. As much of an introvert she was, she still could use some company in a miserable place like this.

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