Captured idiots

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I forgot to mention that Ruby and Amber were in the same clothes as in the chapter 'Ruby and Rocket'.
   When they got to the collector,they saw so many different objects,including living things in his collection,which made Ruby feel so much sympathy and empathy for them. She heard a soft whimper. Rocket was gripping her paw tightly. Must have been because of these living things,reminding him of  the experiments done on him. Ruby thought,as the memories of her past flooded...again. When they finally approached the Collector,the collector aka Tivan kissed Gamora's hand,which weirded Ruby out,as Amber held back a gagging noise.
As Tivan went on about the infinity stones,whereas the orb contained the power stone. Ruby shook her head. See? This is why the orb can't be in these idiots' hands. Quill said,"I feel a little bit of pee coming out of me?" Ruby rolled her eyes as she continued to listen. This is important. This could determine the fate of the universe. Rocket said rudely,"This is all very fascinating,whitey. But we'd like to get paid." If only he knew,if only...Ruby thought.
Just then,Carina started to touch the power stone,where the collector tried to stop her,but she yelled,"I will no longer be your slave!" as she touched the stone,she exploded into infinite bits,getting Groot to get Rocket out,as Ruby and Amber got out first due to their super speed,and again,training. However,Rocket started yelling at Quill,"What do you still have that for!? I can't believe you had that in your purse!"
Quill yelled back,"It's not a purse,it's a knapsack."
"Just give it to Ronan!"
"So that he can destroy the galaxy!?"
"What are you? Some saint all of a sudden!? What has the galaxy done for you? Why would would you want to save it?"
"Because i'm one of the idiots who live in it!"
"Peter,listen to me. We must give it to the Nova Corps."Gamora told Quill,being the voice of reason.
"Gamora's right. But the nova corps might not be a good choice for the stone to be kept with. We should find a way to destroy. Or let me keep it."
"Thats a good point.Or we can sell it to someone for a lot of money. Really balances both of your points of view."Quill said.
"Both of you are faithless! Honorless! Despicable!" Gamora spat aggressively.
"But Gamora,you don't understand-"Ruby said,but was interrupted by Drax yelling.
"I shall finally meet my opponent!"He yelled.
"You called Ronan!?"Quill exclaimed.
Just when i thought he couldn't get any dumber. Ruby thought.
However,Yondu appeared as well."Quill,don't you move,boy!"
Yondu yelled. Quill,Gamora and Rocket went off in some pods,but Groot couldn't fit. Rocket said to Ruby,"Stay safe,tink. Watch over these idiots." Ruby smirked as she grabbed her sword out,ready for battle. So did Amber. As the two charged foward,they managed to make Ronan bleed and retreat but at the same time,Drax is unfortunately not so lucky,drowning in some yellow liquid. If not for Groot he definitely would have died.
    Meanwhile,Nebula have destroyed Gamora's pod,causing her body to float in space,as Quill gets out of his pod to save her,giving her his mask he uses to breathe in space,which Rocket protested against,and now Quill and Gamora were captured by the ravagers. Rocket came out of his pid after landing yelling,"They are all blasted idiots! This all wouldn't have happened if you didn't try to take on a frickin army !" hurling those words at Drax. Drax said it was all to cover his loss. Which Ruby,Amber and Groot all showed sympathy for. The faintest look of empathy or sympathy appeared on Rocket's face. However,it quickly disappeared as he mocked,"Oh,boo hoo hoo,my wife and child died." Groot gasped as Amber growled and Ruby yelled,"Rocket,you can't just say things like that,at least,coming from you!" Rocket flinched a bit at Ruby's words before continuing,"Oh,i don't care if its mean! Everyones' got dead people! Its no excuse to get everyone else dead along the way!" Then later Rocket starts beating up grass. Runy thought,he literally sounds like High Evouloutionary right now...R.i.p Grass. Then we decided to save the idiots because,they are our friends,at least mine.
Then later,we heard the plan. It was to threathen to blow up the ravagers' ship. This has got to be one of his worst plans ever. Ruby thought . She saw Rocket approaching her,where he said,"You know,about what you said concerning me mocking Drax?" "Yeah?" "I know what you mean. When you said that.Right now." Rocket said,thinking about what High Evouloutionary said after shooting his dead friends and what he said when Rocket cried. The two went up to prepare this horrible plan,courtesy of Rocket. After this horrible plan was done, because thanks to Quill,they finally put a pin in this.
Later in the shower area,while waiting for the meeting,Rocket was taking a shower as he thought,Why do i feel like i have some funny feelings towards Ruby? Maybe if i tell her how i feel,we could-
"Damn you!" Rocket yelled. Heaving .Feelings were not his thing and after all,how could Ruby love a him?
Meanwhile,Quill was sitting in silence. He missed his mother,even after all these years. Ruby approached Quill,putting his paw on his hand,showing sympathy. It is platonic,in case you need a heads up.
Ruby eventually left and put her headphones back on, listening to 'goodbye yellow brick road'by Elton John.
"When are you gonna come down?"Ruby sang.
"When are you going to land?"
"I should have stayed on the farm."
"I should have listened to my old man." Ruby sang softly. Rocket overheard her singing,causing him to smile a little bit. She has got a nice singing voice. Rocket thought. Quill called for a meeting. Well,this should be good.

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