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My legs ached as I carried my sister on my back. It had been many nights and many days since my home was destroyed. We are exhausted and starved. Now stranded in the unfamiliar environment of the forest.

"Santanhí... Are we there yet?..."

She mumbled in my ear. I did not know what to answer. I do not want her to give up, but I do not know where we are going.

"It will be okay Läinyu... We will find refuge soon."

How young she was to experience this. She was merely 8 years old. Much too soon to experience the loss and trauma of the horrid Sky People.

My thoughts stopped at the sight of deep blue skin through the trees. Voices echoed from a whisper. My chest whelped with hope seeing the sign of another Na'vi. I sped up towards the figure afraid that I would lose them. I used what strength I had left to reach these people.

"Hello! Hello! Please help us! Please!"

Finally two seemingly concerned adults came into view. They were forest Na'vi. Much taller and thinner then us. They were a deep blue with bright amber eyes. Their hair hung down in braids.

"Please my sister she is very weak.. We have not eaten in weeks. Please help us."

I pleaded as my words slowly got quieter. I found myself lowering to the ground laying my little sister down.

"Oh my Eywa.. Are you children okay?.. You look like you are far from home."

The female jumped to my little sisters attention first giving me comfort. I looked back at the male who also was examining us worriedly from a slight distance. I assumed immediately that the two were mates, likely hunting together.

"O-our home was destroyed. My mother sent us to run and said that we could find refuge from forest people. Please help us..."

The women looked back at her mate seeming to question his opinion before there was any answer given.

"Ma Jake..."

Without another word he himself quickly came to me squatting down to meet me closer to the ground. He simply checked me for any wounds before helping me to stand, and his mate lifted up my exhausted sister.

"Of course kid we can help.. What are your names?

I signed of relief and looked at the man with so much gradutude. Mother was right the forest people are nice.

"Santanhí... My sister is Läinyu. We are so very grateful for you. Thank you."

Never had I believed we would've saved. I feared deeply that me and my sister would starve before even seeing a sign of another Na'vi, but we are okay. We're going to be okay.


I looked around in awe as I followed the man closely making sure to keep an eye on my sister and the women who carried her. Now that I was not worried about survival, the forest looked much more beautiful. We entered in was the man called high camp. Their home.

I watched as every one who had caught a glance at us couldn't help but stare.

"Mo'at! Can I get some help over here?"

He led us to a large somewhat open tent. His mate layed down my now sleeping sister and he put a hand on my shoulder motioning me to sit next to her. I examined the adults interactions. The women who I am assuming to be the Tsahík looked at the two of us in as much surprise as everyone else had.

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