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It had been a couple days since my first hunt and the raid on the sky people. All seemed to be going well. Neytiri, Jake, and Mo'at had spoken to me about the Iknimaya. It was a right of passage that all hunters and future worriers went through at a certain age, me being over that curtain age. I would get my chance to go through my own Iknimaya when it was time, supposedly only a few weeks from now. I would go along with a few others who were ready as well.


I was brought out of my own thoughts when the two little girls, Tuk and Läi, came running to me at the same time. I smiled at the two girls who seemed rather excited.

"Come with us! We're going to the forest!"

I looked to the older kids behind them. Kiri, Spider, and Lo'ak stood watching. The Omatikayan boy seemed rather annoyed. Neteyam and the Sully parents were out doing something. I can't really remember what because I wasn't around when they had left.

"Yeah yeah okay sure..."

I was rather hesitant as I felt a strange feeling boiling inside of me. Something told me that I shouldn't go, but if that was the case then that would mean everyone would be in trouble. I can't leave my sister if I sense danger, but I know it'd be wrong to stop them.

We all trailed through the forest together. Lo'ak and Spider were complaining about how he didn't want the two children to come.

"Why'd we bring them anyways?"

I rolled my eyes at the question from the human boy. I thought it was rather silly the way he would pain blue stripes on himself and only wear a loincloth like Na'vi would. I understand this is what he was raised around, but he was also raised around humans. It was strange to me.

"Because she kept saying 'I'll tell mom if you don't let me come' not like I had a choice."

He mocked the little girl and she and my sister just stuck their tongue out as Kiri defended them. I smiled at the banter of the siblings. It was never a boring experience being around all of them watching them tease and laugh with one another. Something I longed for my whole childhood. Our parents were always rather serious. Telling us we had to uphold the standard of a woman in our clan.

"You okay Santanhí?"

I mumbled a small yes to Lo'ak as we continued to walk.

"Are there any dead bodies up there?!"

I looked up at the sudden question from Läi. It was an old ship from the sky people. Hung up in the trees covered in rust and growing vines. Must've been from the war before we were born.

"No Läi.. Let's keep going."

I laughed a little from the pout of my sister. As I looked around I realized Kiri and Spider had strayed off.

"Hey Lo'ak... Where'd your sister and Spider go?"

I grabbed the boys arm making him turn his attention away from the forest around him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little off..."

I dismissed the question immediately looking for the two.

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