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It had been a couple of days with the reef people. Everyday we had some sort of breath training or their sign language lessons. It was not hard to catch on for me. The more time that passed the more lessons I skipped. I did not feel a need for them. While the Sully family struggled, I flourished in the new environment.

I had explored most of the island already, but my heart begged me to set off past the reef. We had been warned that it was against the rules. Not even Chief Tonowari's children were out past the reef, but it felt as if something was calling me.

"Child, what are you doing? You should be with the others learning our ways."

The Tsahík, Ronal, had seemed to spot me standing on the edge of the beach looking out to the water. I could sense the sternness in her voice. She wasn't very happy seeing me not following the directions of training with her children.

"I have learned your ways. I can breathe. I can slow my heart. I can swim. I can ride Ilu. I can sign in the water. There is no need to learn for me."

Ronal did not scare me in any way. Some seemed to be challenged by her stern attitude, but to me she was just another adult trying to tell me what to do. It was different with Jake and Neytiri in the forest. I was lost in the trees. I could not fly. I could barely shoot a bow. I could not fend for myself. But here, I was one with the water.

"You are very much like your mother Santanhí."

My head snapped over to the woman who now stood next to me. Her words cut deep into my heart. The grief of the loss of my parents was still a fresh wound.

"I must say you look like your father, but you have Yana'ki's eyes and her spirit."

She admired the ocean in front of her as she spoke.

"You knew my parents?"

I could see the sadness in her eyes. I was sure she did in fact know who they were. The way her face had shifted at the first mention of their names gave it away, but I was unsure just how much she really knew them.

"Your people have ancestors of the reef. For many years it was tradition for the clans to come together and celebrate when the cold season passed. After the first war with the sky people, it was decided it was unsafe for your people to travel here. Your mother was a close friend of mine. She met your father for the first time on this beach, and she was pregnant with you at our last celebration."

I could see the smallest of smiles appear on Ronal's face as she reflected on the memories.

"Yana'ki always spoke about how she wished Eywa had made her a Metkayina, and I would always remind her that Eywa had her own plans for her. She had a deep connection to the ocean. One I have never seen before... Until you."

Finally her head and turned and her eyes met mine. The woman held nothing but love and care in her eyes. I had began to understand why this place felt like home more than the mountains themselves ever did.

"I miss them..."

I felt my eyes begin to water as the words spilled out of mouth. I had not truly spoken about my parents since me and Läi left the mountains.

"I know, but they live on with Eywa. With you and your sister. All of your people do."

Her words reflected the ones of my mother.

"We live everywhere you go. We live in you and your sister. We live in the ground and in the air. We are at peace in the mountains. We live in Eywa."

I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my eyes as I looked out to the water in front of us. It was so peaceful. The sound of the water and the clicks of the animals that swam in them was comforting in every way possible.

"They really loved it here.. didn't they?"

Ronal chuckled a little at my question.

"Your mother, yes she loved it dearly. Your father on the other hand was not the biggest fan."

I smiled sadly at her response. I could imagine the two of them here together. My mother splashing my father as he sat on the beach refusing to get in the water.

"Ronal... Thank you."

I turned to the woman next to me with a genuine smile. She nodded as she placed a hand over my heart.

"You are one of us Santanhí. You are Metkayina."

I gave her a nod and a smile. After that, Ronal was called away by one of the village healers.


I sat alone in the shallow water allowing the coolness of the water to battle heat of the sun on my skin. I had resided alone in this spot for multiple hours. The light had slowly began to fade as eclipse crawled its way to the end of the day.

"Finally! Santanhí I've been looking for you all day!"

I did not turn back as I knew who the voice belonged to. The eldest of the Sully children. The one who I seemed to see the most out of all of them.

"And I've been here all day."

I couldn't help but smile as Neteyam plopped down next to me making a small splash in the water.

"Why are you being such a loaner recently? You haven't come to lessons in two days. Tsireya keeps asking if you're sick. You're making all of us worry."

I sighed deeply as I lied my head on Neteyam's shoulder. I had hoped none of them would bring up the fact that I was avoiding their group in a way. It wasn't really purposeful. I just preferred to be free in the water.

"I just like exploring."

I could feel the boy's body tense under mine. I couldn't help but smile a little as the pace of his heartbeat quickened.

"Sitting on the beach isn't exploring Santanhí."

He laughed a little and began to slowly relax at the contact between our bodies.

"We should explore tomorrow don't you think? I bet there are a bunch of things you haven't seen since your stuck being taught like a little kid."

I teased Neteyam and glanced up at him. His eyes admired the sky in front of us as it held many colors. The warm oranges and yellows reflected on the blues of the Ocean. It made for a breathtaking sight.

"Just us?"

I tilted my head a little at the question. It seemed odd of him to ask. Usually he was adamant about being near his siblings to keep an eye on them.

"Yeah... Just us."

I could see a smile appear on Neteyam's face as he looked back at me.

"Okay then.. Let's do it."


Helpful Vocabulary!!

Ilu- The direhorse of the Pandoran oceans, fulfilling a biological role similar to that of a Terran dolphin.

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