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I groaned in pain as my eyes opened to a bright light. My head was pounding. Pain filled my body.

"Santanhí! Guys she's awake!"

I tried to sit up. Looking around I realized I was back in the large healing tent me and my sister were brought to our first day in the Omatikaya camp.

"My child you should not be so fast to sit up... You endured very heavy wounds."

The Tsahìk, Mo'at, spoke softly immediately lending me help. She carefully helped me sit up and gave me something for my back to rest on. I sighed in relief looking down at my leg. Bandages covered it from the top of my thigh to my mid calf.

"Santanhí! You're back!"

I immediately smiled at the voice of my baby sister. Läinyu. Oh how I missed her.

She jumped into my arms. I hugged her tighter than ever. The pain in my body didn't matter. My sister was here, alive, and safe. I can't believe I almost left her all alone.

"Stop that! You're going to make her condition worse child!"

I could see Läi visibly pout as she was scolded by the Tsahík. I couldn't help but laugh. Soon enough all the Sullys filed in, except one. Their parents told me they were happy I was okay.

"Neteyam told us what happened.. Thank you for saving our son's life. We could never repay you."

Neytiri spoke. I glanced behind them as both boys were standing at the entrance with their heads hung low.

"You took me and my sister into your home and saved us. You owe nothing to me..."

She smiled softly laying her hand on my shoulder and saying a final thank you. Soon enough all the adults, including Mo'at, cleared out. Now it was just me, Läi, Kiri, Tuk, and Lo'ak. My mind could only wonder where the eldest was. I giggled as the two young girls began to tell the stories of all their new adventures. My little sister had ridden with Kiri on her Ikran. She described the beauty of the ayram alusìng (hallelujah mountains) and how amazing the wind felt through her arms. After a while I realized that I had been knocked out for two weeks.

"I felt like I was flying! It was amazing!"

I began to notice that braids hanging down to her shoulders now took place of her loose hair. I smiled bittersweetly at her appearance. She was wearing the Omatikaya clothing as well. She looked like one of them. But her hair wrap sill hung in the front of her face.

"Your hair looks beautiful Läi..."

She smiled brightly and began to tell me another story about how Kiri did it while trying to teach Tuk. I laughed as she insulted her friend saying that she wasn't very good at it. They began to bicker on about the incident. How Läi wouldn't be able to do any better, and she argued back to Tuk saying she could.

"Okay okay that's enough... we should let Santanhí rest. She needs as much as she can get."

They both pouted and argued but soon enough Kiri dragged the two out. I mouthed a small thank you as I was now left with just Lo'ak. He hadn't uttered a word since I had woken up. I could see the shame that he carried in his posture and hung head.

"Wow Lo'ak I can tell just how happy you are that I've woken up."

I spoke sarcastically with a smile on my face. I didn't hold any blame in him or his brother. I put them in a rough situation and I saved them from it. Nothing was their fault.

"I-i'm sorry Santanhí."

Lo'ak finally spoke as his eyes met mine. As I looked into his eyes I could see the worry and guilt that filled them

"Hey everything's all good. I'm alive. Just a couple scratches. I mean they'll be pretty cool scars don't you think?"

I smiled and laughed a little earning one from the boy as well.

"Yeah it'll be narly."

We laughed together as we made a couple more comments about the irony of the situation. I had saved his life when he was supposed to be protecting me as the guy. I rolled my eyes at the comment. Soon enough a comfortable silence settled over us.

"Where's Neteyam?"

I broke it with the question. I could see is body shift uncomfortably as his tail whipped back and forth.

"Umm... I don't know honestly. He's been beating himself up pretty bad over this. Mom and Dad scolded us pretty bad, but Neteyam had it worse..."

I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing in the end it was my fault. But he was the eldest. Lo'ak and me were his responsibility in his parents eyes, and i almost had gotten killed.

"I'm surprised he's not here actually. He's practically spending every day and night here. It feels like I haven't seen him sleep in ages either."

My attention to the boy shot up after hearing that. Every day and night? He hasn't been sleeping? He's been watching me waiting for me to wake up? Why?

"If you find him could you tell him I asked about him?.."

He smiled a little and nodded. Someone called his name. I'm pretty sure it was the human boy.

"I'll see you later Santanhí!"

I waved goodbye to the boy and he exited the tent. Finally I was alone. I couldn't imagine the weight Neteyam has been carrying. Not only were his parents beating him up for it, I'm sure he felt like it was his fault too.

Then I remembered my parents. They were gone. My village was gone. My sister has no idea. Only I do. Oh how I wanted to run into their arms again. I wanted to visit them again. I wanted to go home. I wanted to see the mountains again. I wanted to see the snow again. I missed all of it greatly.

After sitting in my own thoughts for a while, I decided I would try to move. I groaned in pain trying to move. I couldn't stand it. Being unable to move. Not being able to walk. Just sitting on my ass. The idea that I've just been asleep for two weeks. I should be learning their ways. Pulling my own weight. I should've been here for my sister. Sleeping next time her so she wasn't alone. Comforting her after she had woken up from a nightmare. Rocking her back to sleep. She was my responsibility not the Sully families. I'm stronger than this.

I pushed myself up with my arms and used the strength in my left leg to stand. I held onto something next to me to gain my balance. I felt so much pain as I slowly put weight onto my right leg. Come on Santanhí you're strong. You can do this. Finally I let go of what was supporting me and tried to take a step with my right foot. I felt pain fill my body and it gave out from under me. I yelped in pain waiting for the impact of the ground, but it never came.

Two strong arms wrapped around me and held me. I looked up quickly meeting the eyes of my savior.

Oh Neteyam...


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