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It was rather surprising to imagine Neteyam skipping out on group lessons. Not only was he determined to learn and pull his own weight, but he had the responsibility of his siblings. If something happens today while we're gone, all blame will fall on his shoulders.

"You sure you want to go?..."

I asked him unsurely as we both stood at where the water met the sand. I was worried that he would get into trouble more than anything.

"Yes. Anything to spend some time with you."

Those words made my heart skip a beat.

"Then let's go!"

I smiled brightly as I dragged him into the water, quickly making a bond with my Ilu, and he did the same.

"Hey forest boy! Try to keep up!"

I teased him as I sped off into the water feeling as free as ever. I knew my strength in the water was much greater than his. For once I had an upper hand with him.

"That's not fair! You got a head start!"

I smiled as I looked back at the Omatikayan boy. His smile was as bright as ever as he spoke loudly with laughter following his words. I began to slow down as I realized we were coming to the edge of the reef. I waited as Neteyam approached behind me.

"You want to go outside the reef?"

I looked forward at the wild waves past the borders that separated the safety of the islands to the unpredictable waters. I could feel my whole body pulling to continue. I wanted to know what was out there. I looked back at the boy who was watching me intently as I gave him a nod.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Santanhí?"

I smiled a little. Neteyam was always so cautious. It's like he's spent his whole life trying to be the next Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya that he never truly lived.

"Live a little forest boy. It'll be fun!"

I immediately had my Ilu take off past the reef, heading into the unknown. In the past I would've been afraid of it all. The unknown holds dangers that could kill you, but it also holds beauty.

It felt freeing. Just the two of us leaping in and out of the ocean on our Ilu. The cheers of our voices echo through the air. I could feel the pure happiness off of the boy. His smile shined more than I had ever seen before. After what felt like hours of pure joy, we had slowed down finding a calm in the water as we and our Ilu caught our breaths.


"Are you enjoying yourself Neteyam?"

I looked over at him with a smile as he rested on his own Ilu right next to me.

"Yeah... It's beautiful out here."

I nodded as I glanced around. There was this strange feeling I had. As if I was close to the one thing that had called endlessly to my heart.

"What's got you so quiet?"

I sighed a little as I ran my fingers through the braids that Kiri had done a while back. They were becoming rather messy after so much time in the water. I should ask her to teach me how to do them so I do not have to bother her every time I need a rebraid.

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