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"Hurry hurry! The war party is back!"

Tuk was jumping up and down pulling me, Läi, Kiri, and Spider along with her. The raid against the sky people was today and they had departed a couple hours ago.


"Don't get yourselves killed before you witness me get my own Ikran."

I joked with the two Sully boys as they were preparing to leave for the raid.

"Bro! We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Lo'ak gave me a nudge before getting on his Ikran.

"You better watch out mighty warrior before Santanhí passes you up!"

I laughed as Neteyam rolled his eyes. They both had war paint on their faces. It was something I had never seen before. Our people weren't very involved with the idea of war.

"He's right Neteyam I'm coming for you."

I joked as I once again felt his tail on the back of my leg. A feeling that has become more and more familiar to me.

"I'd like to see you try Mountain girl."

He chuckled before getting on his Ikran. I gave Loran a couple scratches before they departed on their mission.


I felt a smile overcome my face as everyone was excited for their return. It was a sight I had never seen before. Bunches of Ikran flying in together landing as their riders jumped off.


Tuk ran to her mother's arms immediately. As I looked around I felt my smile falter seeing Neteyam covered in scratches, fresh blood coated his wounds, and Jake was scolding his two sons.

Of course they got themselves into trouble.

I felt rather awkward watching the exchange.

"You're supposed to be spotters! You spot ships! From a distance! Get here!"

Kiri was at her older brother's side, examining his wounds. Jake was trying to dismiss her, but she was not listening. I watched at Neteyam took the blame from something that I could tell was Lo'ak's idea. Always so quick to protect his brother.

"That's right! Because you're the older brother! God I let you two geniuses fly a mission and you do this!"

Both of the boys hung their heads with their ears downward. My heart ached seeing the shame their carries.

"Ma Jake. Your son is actually bleeding."

Jake sighed as he dismissed his older son. Kiri took him in the direction of the Tsahík tent while Neytiri walked Tuk and Läi in a different direction.

"Do you understand you almost got your brother killed? You're grounded. No flying for a month. And you will tend to the Ikran. All of them."

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