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I smiled as my sister ran up to me as soon as she saw me. She began to tug at me dragging me to who knows where.

Me and Neteyam had just returned from our time by the waterfall, and I hadn't even gotten a word in before being dragged away to who knows where.

"Läi! Where are we going?"

I stumbled a little from her excitement. My question was almost immediately answered as many Ikran were perched at a large entrance of the clans home. I felt happiness run through me as I recognized Neteyam's and Lo'ak's Ikran that were perched next to one another. Jake and Neytiri seemed to be tending to their own Ikran not far away from us. Tuk and Läi flaunted over the beauty of Kiri and her own companion, asking her if they could ride with her on it, and being sad when they were told no.

I found myself drawn to the Ikran that had grown a quick liking to me the first time I met her.

"Hey girl..."

I spoke softly as I ran my hand over her head. He made the same chirping noises as she did the first time I had met her. I continued to give the Ikran attention as I glanced out of the corner of my eye, seeing Neteyam speaking to his parents. Both of the adults shared glances between themselves, me, and their son. I knew what they must be talking about The hunt that Neteyam had mentioned earlier.

My attention was pulled away from the three after receiving a nudge from the Ikran next to me. I laughed a little while scratching a spot near her wings. The place seemed to be her favorite spot to be scratched as she chirped at me.

"Lo'ak! What are all the Ikran here for?"

I had noticed that the boy had come up to his own friend tending to him.

"The war group is preparing for a raid on the sky people in two days... And my dad is finally letting me and Neteyam fly the mission!"

I could see the excitement in his eyes. The boy seemed to live for the adrenaline and excitement of being a warrior. It was refreshing to see.

"Just don't get yourself or your brother into any trouble."

I teased the boy knowing his tendencies.

"Come on bro! How could we get into trouble just being spotters?"

I laughed as he defended himself. Suddenly I felt something brush against the back of my thigh. The sudden touch made me jump a little.

"She's right bro.. knowing you we'll end up dragged into the fight."

I looked to the owner of the voice realizing that the feeling on my leg was Neteyam's tail that flicking against me. I smiled a little. Their tails tended to have a mind of their own sometimes.

The two brothers continued to tease each other as my attention was brought back to the animal in front of me. She had a couple of very apparent scars on her wings from who knows what.

"It seems that Loran had taken a liking to you..."

Neteyam had now turned his attention to me. I smiled finally learning the beautiful Ikran's name, perfectly describing her.

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