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Oldest of his siblings. The one who does not seem to want us here. He seems to be an official worrier or adult of the clan since he wears the same accessories his father does while his younger brother does not.

I couldn't help but be curious as to why he was standing in the clearing looking around seeming lost. Did he follow me? Why would he do that?

I slowly lowered myself closer to the ground using surrounding branches. I attempted to stay hidden in the trees as I watched him curiously and tried to hear what he was saying to himself.

"How the hell did I lose her so easily?... It's like she disappeared into nowhere."

I couldn't help but smile a little as he pouted. It seemed that he was talking about me.

"What could she be doing?..."

I thought it would be rather funny to sneak up on him. I mean he is the one who followed me out here. As quietly and carefully as I could I got closer to him. I was surprised he never noticed it. His mind was very distracted. I smiled and hung upside down from a branch right behind the boy and spoke to him.

"Who are you talking to?"

He jumped and turned rather fast. I couldn't help but laugh seeing just how startled he was. I pulled myself back up to sit on the branch as I continued to laugh.

"That's not funny."

He seemed rather annoyed at my little joke.

"You should've seen your face... You looked like you shit yourself.."

I continued to have a smile plastered across my face as my laughter calmed down. He stood unamused with his arms crossed across his chest. Damn attitude much.

"Oh come on forest boy it was a little joke."

I dropped down to the ground and walked towards him. This was the first time I've actually gotten a good look at one of the Omatikaya. They were significantly different in build and color. Their striping pattern was much more apparent, while my people had not as distinct markings. I circled the boy in pure curiosity as I took in everything about him that was different then me. My tail was slightly thicker and shorter. My body was wider and my skin seemed almost more durable compared to him.

"Um.. What are you doing?"

I was snapped out of my little trance as the boy stepped away from me rather defensively.

"What is wrong? I do not bite."

I pouted as he tried to keep his distance.

"You did not answer me."

I rolled my eyes and turned beginning to walk away from him.

"I was just curious."

I listened as his footsteps followed me only a couple feet behind me.

"Why did you follow me?"

He scoffed at the question.

"I did not follow you."

I rolled my eyes. He thinks I'm stupid, or he's too prideful to admit it.

"You are right now."

Suddenly his steps stopped as I continued to walk. I laughed a little and turned around to face him.

"Do you ever climb these trees?"

I pointed to a tall rather thick tree with few branches for the first 50 feet of it.

"There are no branches to climb."

I shrugged and jumped grabbing onto small divots and things I could grip onto. Much easier then the mountains I've had to climb before.

"There are grips to climb. It is easy."

I quickly made my way until I reached the lowest branch. I sat down and hung my legs off swinging them. The boy looked rather stunned at the skill he just watched.

"Come on forest boy it is not that scary!"

I smiled as I watched him stare at the trunk trying to figure out what I did.

"Just use the parts of the trunk that stick out a little to grip!"

He did not reply. Instead he began to try and figure out what I meant. I watched in entertainment as he very slowly found his way up the tree sitting himself on the branch above me. He seemed rather out of breath.

"Not bad for your first try."

I pulled myself up to be next to him on the branch. I smiled at him while he scowled a little. We sat in silence for a little while until I finally spoke.


It was the first time I had spoken his name out loud. It slipped off my tongue like butter. Like a name I had been speaking my whole life.

"You do not want me or my sister here I know."

I stared down at my lap as I swung my leg as back and forth. I could feel his eyes beginning to burn a hole in the side of my head.

"There was a war. Sky People were destroying our home. My mother made me run away with my sister and told me to get her to safety. That somewhere deep in the forest we would find help. I do not mean to bring any kind of harm to your people, I just want my sister to be safe. If it wasn't for the Sky People, we would still be with our people."

There was silence. I was hoping the boy would be a little nicer maybe not as closed off after hearing what happened. Not pity me but just understand that we are not danger.

"It is almost eclipse."

I sighed and got up as he said that. It was starting to get a little darker. A little scarier. Without a word I went down the tree first, and Neteyam followed at a slower pace. The whole way home he chose to keep a distance. I'm sure he had some complex not wanting to be seen with me. I did not mind. I would likely choose to be around the other members of his family from now on. Lo'ak seemed nice. Maybe I should go with them next time.



I smiled as my little sister began to wave me down. She was sitting with Tuk outside their tent.

"Did you have fun exploring?"

I sat down with them as they both enthusiastically began to show me the flowers they picked and brought back. Then Läi began to go on and on about the animals they call Ikran.

"It was so cool! Lo'ak let me pet him and even feed him a snack! I wish I could've flown on him but Lo'ak and Kiri said I needed permission from you..."

She pouted making me laugh. I don't think I have ever seen my sister so excited about something. It was very adorable the way her and Tuk would try to reenact what all happened through their little adventure.

"Oh! Hey Santanhí! When'd you get here?"

The younger boy walked out of their family tent and took a seat next to me. I smiled at the boy who was rather welcoming.

"Not long ago. My sister seems very excited from todays events."

He laughed a little as she continued to talk about how cool the Ikran was. About how I should've been there and how bad she wants to ride one.

"She was very excited the entire time. It's almost time for dinner if you guys want to come with us. Usually the younger kids sit together, then the teens, and then the adults."

I nodded with a smile and Läi and Tuk jumped up in excitement at the sound of food. Lo'ak offer me a hand to help me up. I guess I was right the boy is very nice. He makes up for the unwelcomingness of his brother.

But of course I once again have to experience the wrath of judging and cautious looks from his brother.


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