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"When do you think it's safe to go back?"

Neteyam asked as he finished getting a majority of the sand out of my hair. I only shrugged at the question as I stood up to truly look around this place we had found.

The cave was probably the most breathtaking sight of the Metkayina's home. It was completely illuminated by small glowing dots in the rocks, much like the waterfall cave I had found in the forest, but this place held life. Small plants hung from all over decorating the rocks.

I began to trace my fingers over the rocks subconsciously. My body had seemed to act faster than my mind could. Behind one of the hanging vines, my eyes caught a glance of some kind of carving.

A small heart with writing on the top and bottom of it. Not just any writing, but my parent's names.

I felt my whole body freeze and my heart swell knowing that this was their place. This was their cave. Out of all the places in the broad never ending waters, they were here.

I looked back at the boy who was just watching from his seat in the sand.

"What is it?"

I quickly waved him over to come look at the carving.

"My parents... this was their place."

I felt absolute joy fill me as the biggest smile overcame my face.

"Oh my Eywa! Neteyam this was their place! This is where they spent time together! This is where they fell in love!"

I was practically beaming as the boy who stood next to me was confused by what I was saying.

"But your people are from the mountains."

My smile almost immediately turned into a frown.

"And yours are from the forest but you're here."

Neteyam's facial expression shifted with a raised eyebrow and his body language almost challenging the attitude I had just thrown at him.

"Says the one who dragged me into a random cave."

I scoffed at his words.

"Don't act like I didn't just save your life for the second time."

I crossed my arms over my chest as I fully faced the boy in front of me.

"Weren't they both your idea?"

Neteyam's body language copied my own.

"Technically the Ikran's were your brother's idea."

This time instead of arguing back, Neteyam just shrugged and began to walk back to the water.

"Why would you agree to follow the idiotic ideas of my brother?"

I turned and watched the boy retreat back by the water where he had been sitting before.

"It wasn't idiotic Neteyam. He was just trying to be nice."

And just like that the conversation dissolved into a comfortable silence. A part of me wondered what was going through Neteyam's head, but all I could really think of is the names of my parents carved on the cave wall.

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