Bright Meets Mew

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Bright smiled as he saw a familiar face, actually he's been meeting this person after a long time as this person is always busy. Bright hugged him and the other guy said, "So, you finally get to meet me when I'm around." Bright chuckled as he replied, "Shouldn't this be vice versa Mew."

Brown hairs, fair skin complexion and a black eyes but most importantly is the smile of this person which makes one feel warmer. As Bright settle down he said, "Well, I can now understand your problems since I m too facing it." Mew looked shocked as he asked, "So you finally gave your heart to someone."

Bright with a pride in his voice replied, "Yes, but I already had a competitiors." Mew laughed as he said, "Oh.. Well it makes it worth believe me." As they both chatted for some while when Bright said, "I need your help regarding certain matter and I know I can only turn towards you for this matter."

Meanwhile Jay accidentally slipped and his lips met with the lips of Win. Those plump red lips taste delicious was the thought in Jay's mind. As he quickly pulled out of kiss. He sat in agony as he said to himself, "What have you done Jay?" But then he gave a glance at Win who is still sleeping peacefully and desire rose inside him as this time he intentionally moved closer towards Win and took his lips.

When he pulled out from lips he had a satisfying smirk on his face as he murmured, "I have the first kiss Bright just you wait I ll be the one who will have Win all to himself." He look at Win to see if he has woke up but he isn't. He thanked the medication for keeping Win asleep or else he would have become a pervert. As he touched his lips and left the room closing the door behind him.

Mew who could see seriousness in the eyes of Bright asked, "What is it that you want my help?" Bright took a deep breath as he started explaining everything about Win, how he traveled to mirror verse, and how's someone over there who wants to keep him there.

New folded his hand as he carefully listened to Bright. Bright then held the hand of Mew and said, "The person who wants Win for himself is called Sarawat. As today when Win woke up he called me Sarawat and said how I changed my hair color. We all assume that it would be the after effect of waking up and misunderstanding me as Sarawat. But one thing we all are sure of is the person is called Sarawat."

Mew assured Bright as he said, "You don't have to worry about anything let me find about this Sarawat guy. Also I'm thankful for giving me the reason to meet my wifey as he has restricted me to visit me since he has exams going on."

Bright laughed hearing that and when Mew said, "Just you wait when you taste this bitter medicine and complain to me I'll be the one laughing." Bright only nodded as he bid his bye and left the house.

As he started walking back home he remembered how Mew and Gulf meet? And how Mew is dating him despite being they both belong to a different universe. And how well they have adjusted their life. But he doesn't want such life for him and Win as he wants Win to be here with everyone.

Jay left the Win's house and drove to his house. He could see his father and other members of the family sitting silently. He knew they were worried about Win. But Jay has other things running in his mind. As he headed straight to his room he showered and changed into something comfortable as he headed to sleep because tomorrow he will be on his new mission.

Syn has already travelled to mirror verse as soon as he reached home. To his bad luck, his brother wasn't at home as he had travelled out of town for a meeting. But he is waiting for his call as he wants to give him a heads up. So that he could wind up his work fast and come back soon.

He is still worried that he hasn't met with Win. And he is praying that Win doesn't remember him because it will create chaos for him. After waiting for an hour he finally got a call from Sarawat. Before Sarawat could say anything, Syn said, "Win is good and is conscious if that's what you want to ask there are matters which need your immediate attention so contact me as soon as you are back and I meant it when I say it needs your attention."

Syn didn't tell about his brother's identity being revealed by Win in his original universe. As he didn't want to stress him at such time. Since he has done his work of informing he decided to head back.

As he moved back to the palace Syn got another shock of the day as Bright was sitting in his room.

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Lots of Love from LilFlower 💙💙

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